Chapter 3

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The bell finally rings and I get packed up for 2nd period luckily it's studyhall and I get to go to the library with Ryan.

"Oh uhh I almost forgot I need your number" I say before James leaves.

"Someone's forward but like I said your not my type" he gives me a grin and takes out his  phone puts it on the contact page I put my number in and as I go in to type my name I get an idea instead of Violet I write 'daddy😫 ' I turn off his phone and hand him mine he puts in his number in and we go our separate ways. I finally get to the study hall room and see Ryan talking to one of Kyle's friends, Charlie he has long blond hair and these crazy intense blue eyes he's really attractive but he's also like best friends with James so I can't imagine him being fun to talk to I walk over.

"Hey you ready to leave?" I ask Ryan 

"Hey Charlie have you met Violet" she gives me a knowing look 

"I've heard of her"he turns to me "Didn't we have biology together last year"

"Yeah I think so Mrs. Davis Right?" I forgot about biology I don't think I even remembered him being in that class. 

"Yeah you in James used to fight nonstop" he lets out a laugh and I laugh with him

"Can you imagine what English this year is like" I say and he looks confused 

"Wait are you the one who sits next to James this year in english" he seems surprised 

"Yeah why does he complain about me a lot" I let out a laugh but he doesn't he still seems weird 

"Ummm something like that" he says and his face goes back to normal.

"We should get going see you later Charlie" Ryan hooks her arm through mine and we walk to the library

"That was weird right" I whisper 

"Who cares what do you think of Charlie" she looks at me and I roll my eyes.

"He's cute I guess just not my type" 

"No one's your type" she looks exasperated 

"Dude guess what" 


"I have to work on a project for english with james" I say and she lets out a laugh

"No way what's it for" she looks intrigued 

"We have to read pride and prejudice and do a project on it" she looks like she gonna burst out laughing 

"A bit on the nose don't you think" I roll my eyes at that and we finally get to the library Mrs. Tracy the librarian only lets us talk if we put books back on the shelfs so we get to work.

"So what's the deal with you and Kyle" I put back a copy of the cruel prince by holy back.

"I don't know we're having fun you know no labels isn't that what you think is best". 

"Yeah I guess so I mean I do hate labels but then again I've never even had an almost relationship like you guys" we keep talking then start to walk back to study hall again as I walk in I make eye contact with charlie and smile he looks taken aback what an interesting dude. I continue on through third period practically counting the seconds till lunch when the bell rings I practically run to the cafeteria. I sit down across from Kyle and Ryan and to my surprise Charlie comes over and sits next to me Ryan looks at me with knowing eyes.

"So Charlie what brings you to this side of the table" She begins the conversation but I stop paying attention as I see James on the other side of the table set his phone down face up. Nows my chance I grab my phone and look for his contact the douchebag put his name as 'hot guy from english' I hit call and wait.

"Dude why the fuck is someone named daddy calling you?" One of his friends ask.  

"What the hell are you talking about"he looks at the phone then looks around the lunch room then his eyes lock on mine I have my phone to my ear and I give him an innocent grin. "One of my friends-" he's obviously using the term 'friend' very loosely "-has an interesting sense of humor" I hear him say. then he gets up from his seat and sits on the other side of me.

"I'm gonna get you back for that"he whispers.

"I'm counting on it" I whisper back. I catch Charlies eye and he looks intrigued. 

"So Violet are you going to the party on friday" he asks 

"What party-" I begin to say.

"No she's not going" James finishes, I ignore him.

"When's the party"I continue 

"It starts at nine I'll be bummed if you can't make it" I can't believe someone such good friends with James could be so nice.

"I'll be there" I say looking directly at James "Hey Ryan can I have a ride" I look at her and kyle who both look like they're in their own little world she looks up.

"Hey if you need it I could give you a ride" Charlie asks shyly and Ryan answers for me.

"That would be really nice thank you Charlie"She looks pleased with herself.

"Wait so you're not going?"I ask horrified I'm not going to a party without her. she seems to realize her misstep.

"We're getting there a little later don't worry Kyle and I will drive you home"Charlie looks bummed.I realize James is still next to me he's scrolling on his phone.

"Dude what the hell are you still doing here" I ask he looks up and looks at me his eyes a deep brown. 

"You really want to go over and explain to my friends why your name is daddy in my phone?"

"They won't know it me."

"They're staring at you right now they know it's you" I look up and they're all looking at me and I roll my eyes.

"Fine whatever you excited for the party" I ask he gives me a bitter look 

"Very excited-" the bell rings and he grits his teeth "see you thursday."

"see you"              

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