Chapter 5

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Thursday comes around swiftly but this class is taking forever I sit in english James and I are trying to avoid each other's gaze as  Mrs. Bridget discusses the book with us. "To be honest this one is my personal favorite " she's holdin the book eyeing the pages "okay now I'm gonna ask some questions pertaining to the text " we both nod and I'm counting the seconds till this class is over."What is the true opposite of love"

"Hate" we say in unison 

"Incorrect, no as we can see in the book Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have a strong passionate hatred for each other but as it continues they develop a loving relationship now why is that?" 89, 90, 91, 92 "It's because the line between love and hate is thin and blurred" 110, 111, 112, 113 "nope the true opposite of love is indifference" she leaves. 

"Did you pay attention to a word she was saying" I ask him.

"Nope" he's acting  all shifty in his chair and tapping his foot on the ground.

"Yeah me neither" I lie because it's finally clicking Mrs bridget knew exactly what she was doing when she made us sit together but unfortunately for her it's not gonna work. 

I get to the lunchroom and I'm surprised and a little bummed that it's just Kyle and Ryan sitting there to day don't get me wrong I love Ryan and Kyle but I also enjoyed being able to sit next to Charlie you know get a head start on my new years resolution does it still count as a new years resolution if you made it a month after new years?  But Kyle and Ryan are mumbling excitedly and Ryan's eyes fill. with joy when she sees me. 

"You free winter break?" She says which is surprising because she already know the answer to this.

"Of course" I'm already suspicious "why?"

"how would you like to go on an all expenses paid ski trip" and now I have plans winter break don't get me wrong there's no way I'm skiing but I want to go on the trip so bad I don't even care at this point.

"Hell yeah" I respond 

"Kyle gets to bring three friends isn't that great!" at that Kyle stiffens and I realize something's up.

"Hey guys?" I ask and they don't make eye contact "Who else is coming" they don't even have to open their mouths to answer because I already know what their gonna say and honestly I don't care I'm not about to let that asshole ruin my winter break. As if he was summoned James walks through the door and takes the empty seat next to me the one Charlie had been sitting in for the past week. he looks at the annoyed expression on my face and turns to Kyle.

"You told her?" 


"Did you get to the worst part" he asks and Kyle shakes his head

"There's a worst part?" I interject James puts an arm around me which I try to swipe off and he gives me a smug look.

"of course there is..." he pauses to give me a wink "....roomie"

"Oh hell no"

"Oh hell yes" He burst into laughter I look up and Charlie's on the other side of the cafeteria standing in the doorway I try to catch his eyes he looks almost annoyed but as he sees me looking he gives me a grin but there's still something wrong the annoyance never dissipated I feel my stomach knot something's wrong I just can't tell what it is  then I realize James's arm is still around my shoulder I grit my teeth and smile. 

"Jameson, If you don't take your arm off my shoulder in the next 5 seconds I'm gonna stab you with this plastic knife" I whisper holding up the very intimidating weapon, his name is just James but he hates it when I call him Jameson. 

"Is that a threat or a promise" he gives me another wink 

"It's a promise" I start jabing his arm with the plastic utensil all he does is grin so I punch him right in the gut his arm falls as Charlie approaches.

"Nice hook" he doesn't even question why I was punching his best friend. I look up and smile at him and he returns it his piercing blue eyes never breaking contact and for a second I think my plan might work, could he ever be interested in me?

"Get a room" James mutters under his breath, Ryan giggles giving me a look I ignore him but the redness in my cheeks betray me. He stands up "See you after school" he says as he takes a step away and Charlie slips into the vacant seat next to me.

"Oh right, I'll text you the address" 

"No need" I almost question him but then I remember we've been on the same buss since we were six expect I stopped riding it freshman year. He walks off and I turn back to the table. 

"You excited for the par-" I begin to ask but Charlie but he cuts me off.

"What were you and James talking about?" he asks I roll my eyes.

"These assholes were informing me of my living arrangements for winter break" his eyebrow quirked up.

"What does that have to do with James" he asks 

"Well Ryan and Kyle invited me to go on a ski trip leaving out the fact that I'm gonna have to be roommates with the devil himself" Charlie stiffens looking almost a little angry I've never seen him like that before it's kind of strange lunch wraps up and I get ready to leave. 

"I'm still picking up on friday right?" he asks as he rising from his seat 

"It's a dat-" the words fly out of my mouth before I can stop them a wave of shock flys through me as I realise my misstep. Charlie however doesn't seem fazed just smiles and starts walk toward the exit I feel someone nudge my arm and see ryan to my left "Don't say a word"

"Wouldn't dream of it" She's grinning and I can't help but do the same.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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