chapter 6

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When he didn't I looked up to see he stood still looking shocked.

(His pov) how could you say that? He whispered.
All I've done for you and the baby and I'd be a bad father?

He walked closer to me.
I said we should try and have another baby because I know how much it ment to you.

He slapped me hard on the cheek. I have great reflexes and kicked him in his privates and he dubbled over.

(His pov) you bitch he snarled.

I smirked I was acting better than I felt. My cheek was throbbing he gave hard slaps.

Run off to megan.

Oh and this time dont come back.

His face turned red with anger (his pov) I've always loved megan. Not you megan just said she didnt like me so I made her jealous. We've been seeing each other for the past month behind you're back. I was going to dump you when the baby came and now the baby is gone. Good luck with Mark I hope he can hold his vomit when he sees your face.

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