chapter 2

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Even though many people dont like rain I find it rather soothing.

It's like having a cold shower! I looked up at a very wet Taehyung.

He smiled and said I love you I grinned back I love you too.

We stayed there for a while enjoying each others company and Taehyung playing with my wet hair.

Eventually we decided it was time to go home.

I got up off of Taehyung and helped him up.

We started to walk back to his house hand in hand.

When I got back to the house I was feeling cold.

Taehyung? Can I have a blanket please? Taehyung nodded bringing me a blanket.

(His pov) are you cold?

I nodded. He sat down next to me on his bed and snuggled under the blanket with me.

(His pov) feeling warm yet? He asked.

I nodded into his chest. His heart beat was relaxing me.

I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up panting in a hot sweat.

I was absolutely boiling and I didnt even have any covers on.

My sudden movement had woken Taehyung.

(His pov) are you ok?

He asked sounding concerned.

Im really hot I replied.

(His pov) you are pretty sweaty go and take a cold shower.

I nodded walking into his bathroom and getting into the shower.

I put on the water it felt like a sauna in the shower.

After a couple of minutes I got out because I couldn't handle the heat.

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