Stalked And Choked

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Death comes to all. Some deserve it. Yet for some, it comes too early. Inko Midoriya. A mother, dear wife, a valiant lover, a friend. It was the anniversary of her death and Izuku, her son, was walking to his former residence. He felt the cool evening breeze caress him as his mother once did. He strolled the street minding his own business and reminisced the moments that took place mere hours earlier in the day and afternoon.


Earlier Today

I was sad. That's a given. Mom died today, one year ago. Cancer is a vile thing but it was out of my hand. I honestly hate school but I have to. To make my mother proud. I walked into class with an expressionless face as I usually do nowadays. My cold eyes scanned the area. My no-good 'friends', except for Bakugo. Bakugo is a good friend.

A/N Bakugo wasn't a jerk to izuku here.

I sighed and made my way to my seat. As I sat down I heard the call of the most annoying, two-faced wench I've ever known. Ochako Uraraka. Her pink cheeks had a permanent blush as if she were always hor-. "Morning Dekiru!" She greeted, throwing off my mental rant. "Good morning and goodbye," I said in a shooing tone. "Oh, you're so funny. So how are you today?" He asked me. Her smile was blinding and not in a good way. She leaned on my desk waiting for an answer that I did not feel like answering. "Never better." I lied. She hummed in satisfaction. "So, wanna go out later. I heard a new coffee shop not too far from here." She offered. Ah crap, here we go again. "I find myself disinclined to acquiesce to your request," I replied. She gave me a quizzical look. "Means no." I simplified. She frowned and took to her seat.


A few hours later~~~~

It's lunchtime. I didn't feel like eating so I decided to haunt the hallways like a purposeless ghost. All the while though I had a feeling I wasn't alone. I looked behind me and say a sliver of silver slip past. Must've been a student heading to lunch.

I shrugged it off and kept on walking carefree as ever.

I hummed a song to myself and reflected on my life. Oh, how terrible it is.


It's after school and I'm in Nezu's office. He has a stern expression engraved into his Chimaeric face. "Mr Midoriya. Your grades are excellent. Your hero work is above average and your intelligence is almost on par with mine." He started. I felt a 'but' or 'however' was soon to follow. "However, you're EQ has dropped by at least 60. You're running on thin ice with an EQ of 60. Lower than 50 and I will be forced to expel you. Have you considered going to therapy?" "Sir with all due respect, they can't handle me."

"Have you tried antidepressants?" "Placebos. Can only get the real ones if I have a prescription yet they refuse to give me." "Have you tried entering a relationship?"

"Sir. Not a chance. A lot of girls nowadays only want three things from guys like me. Sex, fame and money. I won't put myself through that."

Nezu sighed heavily, "I understand. But keep in mind that you have 6 months. Each month you'll get an EQ test. If it stays at 60 or improves I will not expel you. Deal?" "Deal."


Returning to the present, Izuku was pulled from his thoughts by the very same feelings he had experienced in the hallway. Someone was following him. He heard the same footsteps ever since he left Heights Watchtower aka the dorms.

He turned into an alleyway and hid behind a building corner. He heard the footsteps get closer and closer. The stalker walked until they were grabbed by the throat and pushed into the wall with Izuku hand vibrating fast enough to kill them. His eyes glowed a dark green as if he were possesed.

He took a look at the stalker. It was Yui Kodai from class 2b. She then squeaked, "Please... Cant... Breath."

Izuku released his grip and listened as she gasped for precious oxygen. "Why are you following me? No, to be more accurate. Why are you stalking me?" He inquired. "W-well." She began fiddling her thumbs.

She then thought, "I'll confess right here right now!"

She opened her mouth and said, "I-I-I'm attracted to you." Izuku gave a sceptical stare, "Say that again." "I'm attracted to you... romantically." She said looking him in the eyes.

Izuku found no deceit or ulterior motive. The only thing he saw, was an opportunity. If he dates her then maybe some of his humanity will be restored and his eq will improve. "Ah, is that so. You're willing to confess to me, even though we've barely interacted?" He questioned. "Mhm. I've been observing you and I've come to a have a liking toward you." "Enough to date me?" "Y-yes."

He leaned in and whispered, "Ah, here's the deal. I need my EQ stores raised. By dating you that may help. Are you willing to be used like that?" He asked with a stern tone. "Yes. I believe in time you'll grow fond of me. I know it." Her confidence was wavering with that statement. "We shall see. Come with me." He ordered. She seemed a little daze but fell in stride with him.


5 minutes later arrive at Izuku's old residency. Using his old key, he fitted it through the lock and turned. The click signified the locks had not to be changed. He opened the door and ushered Yui inside. "Have a seat on the sofa." He said. She nodded and sat on the couch. "So, how long have you been stalking me?" He asked locking the door behind him. "Longer than you think. I was actually less subtle today because I was building the courage to give you my condolences for Mrs Inko." She said quietly. "You knew my mother?" Izuku inquired. "I um... I used to live in the apartment above you. When you'd go out I'd spend time with her." "And why haven't I heard her mention you." "I don't know." "Hmm, anything else you'd like to add, Ms Kodai?" She shook her head.

Izuku trod over to her and held her round face in his scarred hand. He held her by the chin. "Well, it's your lucky day, Yui." He said softly. She looked him dead in the eyes, "So, you'll date me?" "Ah ah ah. Rules first. Firstly, do not expect me to be lovey-dovey in private. Second, be as realistic as you want. Three, don't get too jealous when I girl tries to through themselves on me. Okay?" "Okay."

Izuku smiled for he had a thing thought that could spice things up and test her resolve.

"And you will do anything I say."

"Anything!?" She whispered yelled. "Anything." "Okay.

"Now give me a kiss."

Words 1181

Posted 11/3/2021

Edited: See Above

Edited: 12/3/2021

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