The Tease

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Izuku gingerly kissed Yui on the lips. Her heart rate quickened and her face had a severe blush. "Mmm. You taste delicious." He said with a suggestive tone. "Uh-um..." She blabbered "Mhm. Anyway, it's 5:00 we need to be back by 7:00. We have 2 hours to learn about each other."

Yui, still dazed, nodded with a blank expression. "So, tell me about yourself." "Oh um... I'm 16. I like books and ramen. That's it. Oh, and my quirk is size. I can make non-biological objects bigger basically." She explained. "Mhm. I've seen you in action. You're quite impressive."

She looked to the ground and said, "Thank you." "Mhm. My quirk... Well, quirk is Electric Conjuring. It has two aspects to it. Lightning Storm and Phasing Shifting. LS allows me to conjure lightning than enhances my physical attributes. PS allows me to use the electricity to speed up my atoms until I phase or if I try hard enough I can make a speed remnant.

A/n: Lighting Storm/ LS is his cover for OFA. Phasing is the quirk aspect he got from Mirio.

"Yes. I've seen your Lightning Storm but I haven't seen you use your Phasing abilities as often. Can you show me?" She asked. Izuku nodded. He vibrated his hand as he did earlier and plunged it into the coffee table. His eyes glowered green as they did before but not with the same anger they exhibited not long ago. He pulled it out and watched her expression. It was blank and almost uninterested. But her voice said otherwise, "That's amazing. Have you used it in combat?" "Yeah. It's a useful trick," he answered.

They stayed in awkward silence for a little while. Izuku whipped out his phone and handed it to his new girlfriend. "Your number please," he asked politely. She promptly took it and inputted her phone number. She saved it as "Yui" and handed it back to him. "Thank you... We should get going. It's already 5:15." Izuku said looking at his cellular device. Yui simply nodded and rose from her seat.

Izuku escorted her outside and the couple began walking. "So, how is school life?" Izuku asked casually. "It's ah. Its okay." She said half heartedly. Izuku noticed how she sort have shrank after uttering her response. "Do not lie to me princess." Izuku stated plainly. She blushed at her title and spoke, "Fine. It's tiring. Everyday is the same things over and over again. The abuse from other classes is killing me. Every single day we're berated for being weaker."

Her lip quivered remembering the begin of the subtle bullying and abuse. "Has anyone gone for you personally?" He asked. "No. Its usually when are grouped. Going for us separately would make it too obvious. When we're group it's easier to bear the load." "Names." "What?" "I want to know who." " Hayaska Iseko and Jojini Kakomuko. General studeist." "Aha. Don't worry. I'll give them a good talking."

"Please don't hurt them." She pleaded. Izuku held her hand in his and said, "Who said I have to hurt them, Princess." He chuckled. "T-thank you." She replied gratefully. "Mhm. Y'know, you're actually kinda cute. Especially when you're embarrassed." Izuku teased. "W-w-what!?" She blurted. "I think I may grow fond of you. You are my princess now after all." He tested even more. She blushed more intensely. "Oh. You don't want to be my princess. I'm sure I can find another term of endearment." Izuku said half heartedly.

In actuality he's wanted a relationship for a long time. But most girls he's around want the money, the fame and the power that comes with it. Izuku is one of the most powerful UA students in history. And that was before his second quirk arrived. He was willing to give Yui a shot because he:

A. Needed to raise his EQ (emotional quotient)

B. Needed to get hoes of his back.

C. Was emotionally overwhelmed and in need of someone to vent to and love.

Yui could do all those things. Well at least the first and third ones. True hoes never give up lmao.

"N-no. I like it." She responded with a sliver of a smile. "Hmm," Izuku held her around the shoulders and said, "Well. May your reign be indefinite and your illustriousness never fade."

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