Teens and Liquor

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Note: This is a filler.... most of it.

Izuku and Yui arrived at the party making sure to be fashionably late. "Hey bro! You made it!" Kirishima blurted over the booming music. "Wouldn't miss it." He replied. "Izuku! Wanna dance?" Yui asked. Izuku raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you dance?" "Long story. C'mon!"

They headed to the dance floor. The song playing was an instrumental remix of Every time the beat drop.

When the beat drops Yui and Izuku took the dance floor. They danced like there was no tomorrow and the people there loved it. They joined in. Yui had never felt so alive. It's been years actually. "Wassup everybody!" Screamed the host, Camie, into the mic with Bakugo at her side. She was replied with cheers and whistles. "Alright! Ayo DJ! Turn it up!"

And so the music kept booming and everyone kept dancing. Some like our main couple decided to sit for a little. "Wanna beer?" He asked. She thought about it and nodded. "Hey, Denki! Throw me two!" She shouted to his friend. Kaminari heard over the music and tossed two beer cans which izuku easily caught.

He handed one to his partner, "Cheers!" Yui downed half the can and immediately flushed. "Izuuuku baby. This is the best beer ice ever had~~" She piped. She wasn't drunk only a little tipsy. "Mhm. Isn't that strange?" Izuku chuckled. "Imma head to the bathroom. Be right back." She said softly. Izuku nodded. And got settled into the couch.

He sat there by himself until Iida came beside him. "Hey!" He greeted. Izuku looked to his right and replied, "Sup?" "Ah, nothing. Mei went dancing so I thought I'd hang with you." "Cool. How's the relationship? She drives you nuts yet?" Izuku jokingly asked. "She's definitely a handful." Iida chuckled. "She's changed you. You were such an ass back in the day." Izuku laughed. Iida laughed with him, "Yeah. That's true. But at least those days are the past."

"We worked hard for all this Izuku. All these smiles, we deserve them." Iida said philosophically. "Yup. Never thought id live long enough to see it through. Still, a lot of them have it easy" "True that. Still, it ain't like great things just drop into our laps, y'know." As soon as Iida uttered those words, Mei fell into his lap with a beaming smile. Izuku snickered at the irony. "Tenya! Izuku! What's up?" SHe inquired. "Hi Mei. It's been a while." Izuku greeted. "I know right. I haven't had much time to socialize. Tenya keeps me up at night." Tenya cleared his throat and Izuku then bursted out into laughter. "Um... Darling, not the time or place." He said through his teeth to Mei. "You won't meet another girl like her in a long while," Izuku said jokingly. "Hah! Says the guy who has thousands of fawning over him." "What? Girls don't just throw themselves on me, y'know."

As if on queue, Yui appeared with a flushed face and threw herself on Izuku and buried herself into his toned chest. The irony is funny. "Izuku baby~~ Tired." She said softly. "Did you have more beer or something?" "Maybe."

She had, in fact, drink another cup of beer. "Mhm. Wanna head home?" He asked. "Nuuu~~." She whined cutely. "Fine."

They sat like that until her fast metabolism burned through most of the liquor which took a few hours. "Alright! DJ, gimme something nice and slow." Camie requested. Izuku had an idea and zoomed over and whispered into Camie's ears. "Omg, yes! DJ, you play One Man Band!" The DJ nodded and Izuku took the mic from Camie.

"This is for you Yui."

Yui perked up at the calling of her name to see her lover with a mic.

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