The begining

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-First person-

I was born and I thought that I was going to be the best of the best. 15 years later I'm standing at a funeral with five people I care about and vampires that I barely know but will protect me with their life . My father the famous hybrid, Klaus Mikleason didn't show because it Hopes special day but when is it not her special day. " Y/n" my aunt Freya said which made me turn away from my mother casket. " Yes what do you need ..." I say with a tone that makes my body get the chills . " Klaus is not coming he is with Hope in Mystic Falls because it's her first transition." " I know I sensed it." After I said that she turned away and I see the closet thing that I have to a father I see Marcel. " Y/n it's time to ..." I cut him off " Can we just go I want to go back to your loft so I can rest and wallow alone." " Y/n you can't hide from this forever I know it hard ..." "Marcel this would have never happened if my father did not have this many enemies but he did so know we are here and it's all his fault and he is not even here !" Marcel looks down and I feel super bad that I said that so finally I say " Marcel I'm sorry let's get this over with so we can go back to the loft and rest ." He nods with a sad smile because he loved my mother and we walk to the tree and stay silent for a while . Kol goes up to the tree and puts down a piece of cloth she gave him when he got glass stuck in him cheek , they didn't really know each other but he came for me and Davina. Davina walked up with tears in her eyes and placed a bracelet that they got when she first went out into the world. Marcel put down the lipstick she left at his place and Freya put down a a bottle of something . Josh was their and put a flower and Marcels vampires just payed their respects. It was my turn and as I walk up I feel a brace of something and it feels like my mother but it went away really fast. As I lay the necklace down I turn and walk away with my head up and walk to the car with Marcel.

Time jump about a hour at Marcels loft

I walk straight to my room and than I jump to my bed and lay there for a while. After that a big breeze come through the window with a note from Freya.

Come back to the compound Klaus does not want you living with Marcel he wants you here
- freya

After reading the note I throw it back out the window and pack my things with tears in my eyes the one thing I had is now getting taken away from me , my father figure . I walk down stairs and see Marcel holding back tears and he says goodbye to me and I put on a weak smile and walk to the compound. Once I arrived I see Hope and Klaus painting and laughing and I walk past to see Freya and Kol . " Y/n I can take that for you , you know that Klaus is just getting to know Hope..." Kol says in a scared tone because I am a powerful witch. " I know it does not matter what he does I could care less he is dead to me right now" they go silent and take me to my room . After I put my stuff on the ground Kol jumps on the bed and starts making jokes that are super stupid but funny and helps me put away all of my stuff. Kol leaves the room and before I can close my door Hope comes in and says " Y/N guess what happened I transitioned today how cool is that !" " that is cool Hope good for you..." " And tomorrow dad said he is taking somewhere ,did he say anything to you?" " No he said nothing to me about that have fun." After that conversation she walked out and Klaus called us for dinner and I knew he listened to everything we said so I'm not surprised if something goes down at dinner.

(This is my first time writing ahhh I'm so nervous but excited hope you like book so far next part maybe Friday!!!!)

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