The Dinner

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-Third person -
As the girls walk down to dinner Hope  is happily walking down the stairs as fast as she can to eat with her family as Y/n is walking slow and upset. When they get down stair they see Hopes favorite dinner and desserts and Y/n rolls her eyes. " What's up with your eye rolling Y/n ..." Klaus says angry . You shrug and walk to your seat . " How was your day Hope !" Freya says from across the table , " it was great Aunt Freya I transitioned and it was magical ... what did you do today." "We went somewhere ... to do something." Freya said in a unsure tone. " Ahhh why could I have not come ?" Hope said sounding sad but in a manipulative way . "Because you where not wanted there!" Y/n said making Klaus look up from his food with a angry look. " What did you say ..." " You heard me ..." "Say it again !" " Because she was not want there !" Kol got up and walked over to Y/n making sure she did not get anything but when he walked up Klaus through him across the room. " Y/n that is no why to talk my daughter..." " Yes Hayley your special daughter." Y/n said that and than Klaus came up to her and pushed her a away from Hayley hard enough to push you on the ground. " KLAUS  WHAT THE HELL" Freya screamed and used her magic to make him fly into the glass table and it shattered. Y/n got up and walked over to Hope and screamed " This is all your fault! If you did not need all this attention than I would have been the favorite daughter !" DAUGHTER YOUR NOT MY DAUGHTER!" Klaus screamed.

-Y/n POV -
" What..." "Y/n that's not what I men..." " No that's is what you meant wasn't it ." "Y/n you are banned from this compound never come back ...go to your mothers" Hayley said and my eyes looked over to my dad and than Freya and Kol. " YOU KNOW HAYLEY I CANNOT GO TO MY MOTHERS BECAUSE SHE IS DEAD!" The room goes silent and I look up to the M on the wall and walk out of the compound .

As I  walk down the streets to Marcels loft I see him at a bar and walk in. All of Marcels vampires stop and look at me when I see Marcel walk up. " What are you doing here Y/n ." As I am about to start talking Klaus comes rushing in and Marcel put it together. He give Josh and the others a look and they stop Klaus from coming through. " What the bloody hell is going on..." Klaus roars " Let me see my daughter." I look up to Marcel who has a death stare with my father.

-Joshes POV -
I'm standing in-front of Y/n and I turn to see Marcels eyes widen and I see the anger in his eyes right as that happened Davina comes in and see what is going on she caught on  quick and put up a spell to protect me y/n, Marcel , and the other vampires . Klaus screams " what is this for witch scared of me I WANT MY DAUGHTER!" " You know what Klaus she is not going with you she will live with me and Davina." Marcel yells right back, I start to understand the drama and than Marcel yells.
" You want you your daughter well maybe you should have thought of that before you kicked her out of the compound!" " You did not even know her mother died and know your here yelling for her to go back with you really pathetic." " IM THE HYBRID" Klaus yells and I walk toward Y/n and Davina.

-Third person -
The three of them start to walk out when Klaus and Marcel are still I'm the bar. When they are walking out the back Hope comes up " Y/n come with me" "No oh my god Hope and I'm willing to fight ." Y/n and Hope fight and than Y/n screams a spell that will make Hope wake up in 1 day . " Y/n are you ok oh my god what happened there..." Davina said running to Y/n " She is fine just passed out someone will find her come on before someone else comes." They walk back to the loft and do a spell together to keep anyone from coming in unless getting invited in.
(Sorry this is a bad ending for this one but next part maybe next Thursday or Friday and ideas comment pls)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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