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HI it's katie it me aka @rainydayluke amanda's internet is down right now so she can't post this chapter so i'm helping her post it for all of you ! (ps go follow me if ur a tru mvp) and amanda is so nice she didn't let me unfollow anybody on here even though i really badly wanted to idk do u ever just find it refreshing to click the unfollow button oK ANYWAY wOW im making this chapter 1000 words more than it's supposed to be ...... uhh GTG BYE !

oh ps also amanda wanted me to add that if u guys don't comment more she's not gonna update so comment !!!!!!!


"HEY, ELLS," ASHTON GREETED AS he slipped into his seat diagonally from Ellie. She plastered a tight smile on her face, her tongue running along the bottom row of her teeth as she remembered what he did to her.

"It's Ellie," she reminded him with a sigh, "but hi."

Ellie was still kind of mad at Ashton. She still couldn't stand seeing his face and hearing his voice, but over the weekend, she realized that she should probably make an effort to at least become acquaintanced with him. After all, he was one of Luke's best friends.

Yeah, this was all for Luke. No surprise there.

"Here," Ashton said as a black spiral notebook was shoved in front of Ellie. She looked down at it with curiosity, and then at the curly-haired boy, who was simply wearing a sheepish grin. "It's the math notes that we took when you were out," Ashton then explained, his smile growing.

Ellie bit her lower lip, and accepted his notebook with both of her hands.

"Thanks," Ellie mumbled as she reached into her backpack to pullout her own notebook and a pen.

When she opened the notebook, the first thing she noticed was how neat Ashton's notes were. Each page was readable. Dated. No messy scrawling. The formulas were highlighted and underlined. The examples were boxed and organized.

Ellie had to remind herself that these were Ashton's notes.

She flipped through the pages until she found the page that was time stamped the first day she missed school.

She didn't see it at first because it had camouflaged with the examples at the bottom of the page. Ellie had to blink, just to make sure she wasn't hallucinating or anything. But when she opened her eyes, she realized that it was there. Another note in pen written in a ridiculously familiar handwriting.

Hey Ells,

Sorry for making you fail your test. I didn't mean to. Also, sorry for hitting you with that Frisbee. Please accept my math notes as an apology.

-Ashton :)

(P.S. - I promise my notebook won't fuck up your life like I have already done too many times.)

Ellie hated to admit this, but the note made her smile. An actual, genuine smile. And when she glanced back at Ashton through the corner of her eye, she saw him looking at her, with wide and nervous eyes.

She fully turned to him, a smile on her face. "Thanks," she whispered.

Ashton flushed pink. Ellie noticed. She didn't say anything because she had already turned back into her seat, frantically copying down equations and formulas into her notebook.

For half of the time, Ellie didn't know what she was writing. It was all a bunch of numbers and symbols and variables that were thrown together with an equal sign. She was busy thinking about Ashton and Luke.

Mainly Luke.

Before, Ellie wasn't sure when or how she started developing this crush on that blonde-haired boy. She had always assumed that he had strolled into one of her classes one day and that was that. But after his visit on Saturday, she couldn't stop thinking. Questions floated through her head, one after the other. Did he like her? Did it mean that he wanted to spend more time with her?

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