Chapter Two

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3rd p.o.v

     The group walked around the grounds that once was their home until Edmund suddenly stopped "catapults" he said looking down at a stone that had once held something but was destroyed. "What?" Peter asked walking up to him. "This didn't just happen Cair Paravel was attacked" Edmund said looking up at Peter, Peter then looked straight ahead and remembered about the room behind a door. He ran to the wall and moved it and opened the door. He ripped apart of his shirt and tied it around a stick. "I don't suppose you have any matches do you?" "No but would this help?" Edmund said while open up his bag and pulling a flashlight out. "You might have mentioned that a bit sooner" Peter said while laughing. Y/n then grabbed the flashing from Edmunds hand and started to walk down the stairs. " Hey Y/n that's mine" " Yeah well right now it's mine" she said not stopping "I hate you" he called out but followed her "No you don't". As everyone made their way down they see that their statues were still there. Y/n's was right next to Peter's "I can't believe it it's all still here" when Lucy opens her chest she sees a dress and pulls it out. "I was so tall" Susan looks over to her "well you were older then" "Opposed to a hundred years later when you're younger" Edmund says Y/n looks over and sees that he had put on his old helmet that is way too big for him and she laughs. "What is it?" Y/n asks seeing Susan's face "My horn I must have left it on my saddle the day we went back" Peter opens his chest and pulls his sword out and reads the wording on the side. "When Aslan bears his teeth winter meets it's death"  " When he shakes his mane we shall have spring again" Y/n finished pulling out her own "Everyone we knew Mr.Tumnus and the Beavers they're all gone" Lucy says with tears in her eyes. Y/n walks over and gave the girl a hug. "I think it's time we find out what's really going on" Peter says. "Ok but first let me change my clothes are wet" Y/n says making everyone laugh. When she went into her chest she sees all her dresses and laying on top is her wedding ring. Peter looks over and sees it and grabs it he also finds string and puts both his ring and Y/n's on the string and puts in around her neck and his own. As she turns around they both look into each other's eyes and lean in for a short kiss. After they kiss Y/n pulls out a dress she's never seen before and puts it on.

     The Pevensie's walked out to a different part of the ocean when they saw a boat carrying someone that was about to be thrown into the water

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     The Pevensie's walked out to a different part of the ocean when they saw a boat carrying someone that was about to be thrown into the water. Susan grabbed her bow and shot at the boat "Drop him" She screamed and the person said some that was incoherent. The two other people in the boat tossed him into the water. Peter handed Y/n his sword and dove into the water to grab him and Edmund went to get the boat as that was happening Susan shot an arrow at one of the men on the boat. "Drop him that's the best you could do" the dwarf said after Lucy cut the rope around his wrists. "A simple thank you would suffice" Susan said from behind Lucy "Maybe we should have let them" Peter called out. "Why were they trying to kill you anyways?" Y/n asked "They're Telmarines it's what they do" "Telmarines in Narnia?" Edmund asked "Where've you been for the last few hundred years?" "It's bit of a long story" Y/n said while handing Peter his sword back. "Oh you've got to be kidding me, you're it you're the kings and queens of old." "High king Peter the magnificent" "You probably could have left out the last bit" Susan said "Probably" the dwarf said making Y/n and Lucy giggle. "You might be surprised" Peter said getting his sword out "Oh you don't want to do that boy" "Not me him" Peter then handed Edmund his sword. Edmund smirked at the dwarf taking the sword from his brother. The dwarf knocks the sword away from Edmund and hits him "Edmund!"Y/n and Lucy called out "Aw you alright" The dwarf said. Then Edmund gets back up and knocks the sword out of the dwarfs hand and Edmund is above him with his sword pointing at the dwarf. "Beards and Bedsteads maybe that horn worked after all" "What horn" Susan calls out. 

    The Pevensie's and the dwarf who they found out is Trumpkin got onto the boat that was once the Talmarines and Peter started to row in the back Y/n next to him but turned so she was facing Trumpkin and Edmund was across them. Susan and Lucy taking with Trumpkin. "They're so still" Lucy points out "They're trees what do you expect" Trumpkin says looking up at them. "They used to dance" Lucy replies "It wasn't long after you left the Talmarines invaded. Those who survived retreated to the woods. The trees they have retreated so deeply inside themselves that no ones heard from them since." Trumpkin explains "We didn't mean to leave you know" Y/n said speaking up "Doesn't make any difference now does it "Get us to the Narnians and it will" Peter said and for the rest of the time in the boat it was silent.

    When they reached shore Y/n and Lucy walked up to the a bear that was standing by them. "Hello there, it's alright we're friends" Lucy said when the bear stared to growl at them. "Don't move your majesty's" Trumpkin said gaining everyone attention. "Stay away from them" Susan screamed aiming her arrow at the bear "Shoot Susan shoot" Edmund cried. Lucy screamed and Y/n grabbed her and turned around to shield Lucy with her own body. But Susan hadn't been the one to shoot, When the bear was about to pounce onto the girls and arrow was fired everyone turned to look at Susan but she looked back and saw that Trumpkin had shot the bear. Peter ran to the girls and pulled them up, Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and he hugged her back probably tighter than he ever did before. Lucy was next to him and Peter let go of Y/n for a second to pick his little sister up and then rewrapped his arms around Y/n. "Why wouldn't he stop?" Susan asked. "I suspect he was hungry" "He was wild" Edmund said "I don't think he could talk at all" Peter said. "Get treated like a dumb animal long enough that's what you become, you might find Narnia a more savage place than you remember" Trumpkin said as he went to cut the bear. Lucy and Y/n both turned their heads Lucy's head on Peter shoulder and Y/n's buried in his chest.

Hope you liked it remember
See you soon 💖

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