Chapter four

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3rd p.o.v

Outside a faun was standing guard, He noticed movement in the trees, he looked closer and saw a Telmarine on a horse when he knows he was seen he rides away. All the Narnians and Caspain were in the room with the stone table Y/n was sitting next to Lucy. Caspain and Peter were in the middle of the room with the Narinians surrounding them. " It's only a matter of time. Maraz's men and war machines are their own way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle" Peter said "What do you propose we do sire?" Reepicheep said. "We" "Our" both Caspin and Peter said at the same time. Y/n, Lucy, Edmund, and Susan all shared a look knowing this wouldn't end well. "Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us" Peter says staring Caspain down. " But that's crazy no ones ever stormed the castle before" " There's always a first time" "we'll have the element of surprise" Trumpkin adds. "But we have an advantage here" Caspain points out. "If we dig in we could probably hold them off indefinitely" Susan joins in. "I for one feel safer underground" Trufflehunter says. Peter turns to Caspain "Look, I appreciate what you've done here but this isn't a fortress it's a tomb" "Yes, and if the Telmarines are smart they'll starve us out" Edmund says siding with Peter. "We could collect nuts" Patterwig says "yes and throw them at the Telmarines, shut up" Reepicheep says he also adds "I think you know where I stand Sire" "If I get your troops in, can you handle the guards" Peter asks turning to Glenstrom "Or die trying my liege. "That's what I'm worried about," Lucy says speaking up "I'm sorry" Peter turns to his sister. "You're all acting like there's only two opins dying here or dying there. "I'm not quite sure you're listening Lu" "No you're not listening Peter or have you forgotten who really defeated the white witch" "Peter she has a point" Peter looks at Y/n with a hint of betrayal on his face. "What if we lose half of our army in this and we don't defeat the Telmarines and they come to fight us. We won't have enough people to fight. We could lose. We need help whether it's we wait for Aslan or not" "I think we've waited for Aslan long enough and we'll have a plan before we get there so we won't lose half our army." Y/n looks at him "You're willing to risk losing your army for what it's not worth it." Y/n had, had enough of trying to reason with him and stormed out of the How. SHe walked a little bit and stopped so she could sit on a rock. "Look I'm sorry but we have to at least try what if they try to attack us when we aren't ready we have to try first" "Yes, but Peter what if we lose everyon what happens if I lose you. I can't lose you" "You won't I promise ok?" Y/n looks up at him and nods "this doesn't change anything I'm still mad at you" "I know" Peter hugs her and gives her a small kiss. "Now it's time to get ready"

    Y/n gave Peter a hug "stay safe ok?" She said with her head in his chest. "Only if you will" they pulled away and leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was full of passion and hope. Hope that they would both return unharmed and back in each other's arms. Y/n got on a gryphon with Edmund. The gryphon flew up and followed Caspian and Peter after they got on their horses. It has quite a ways to the castle and most of the time traveling had an awkward silence most were thinking on how this was going to play out and who could die. Others were worried about the kings and queens and what would happen if one of them died.  The group made it to the castle undetected and started to go in. Y/n and Peter gave each other one last look before parting ways Peter going with Susan and Caspian and Y/n with Edmund. The gryphon had dropped the two off in a tower where they fought off a few Telmarine soldiers and hiding. Edmund was in the middle of trying to get one of the soldiers off of his and Y/n's back after dropping his flashlight on the deck below them when he was messing with it and while that was happening Peter yelled at Edmund to signal the army. "We're a bit busy Pete" Y/n yelled. When he finally was able to get the flashlight he gave the signal and the army started to come in. Bells had rung and it meant that the Telmarines were coming out and they had to fight harder than before. Y/n had gone down to help their Army while Edmund was fighting on on side of the castle. While she was fighting she had seen a Centaur in need of help and ran over to help them. But as she was fighting one of the Telmarines had shot and her and hit her in the shoulder. She cried out in pain but kept going she ripped the arrow out and ran to help others. She got grazed by a few other arrows and swords but it wasn't as bad as her shoulder. All of a sudden she hears Peter yelling at everyone to get out and he ran but she was too far back to make it. And she watches the gate close as a Minotaur is stuck underneath killing him instantly. Y/n sees Edmund flying over slowly and catches his attention he signals her to a safe spot so he can safely get her without them getting killed. He gets off the gryphon and runs to her picking her up and running back onto the gryphon as they were getting off the ground Edmund notices how badly hurt she had actually been and try's to stop the bleeding as best he can.

     They got closer to Aslan's how but Y/n had passed out at some point. As the group was ahead of them they got to the How first. The first thing he notices is that Y/n isn't there "Y/n?" He calls out gaining everyone's attention he calls out her name a second time even louder and his heart is beating faster than before. Edmund finally lands and a few centaurs and dwarfs see him and immediately run to help Y/n as Edmund had been pulling her off of the gryphon. None of them heard any of the argument that Peter and Caspian were having until Lucy sees Y/n and runs to her calling out her name. Caspian goes into the How and Peter sprints to Y/n and sees her injuries. "What happened?!" Peter cried out to Edmund "I don't know I was flying over the castle and saw her in the courtyard with all the other Narinans and she got my attention somehow, if she hadn't done that I wouldn't have seen her but I went to get her and saw her with cuts and a place she had clearly been shot at and picked her up and we flew off, she passed out maybe halfway back. I tried to stop as much bleeding as I could" Lucy had used her cordial on her and she started to wake up. "Thank you Ed" she spoke making Peter, Edmund, and Susan look at her and hugging her. Peter grabbed her face "never do that to me again" "I'm sorry I didn't mean to it just kinda happened while I was helping others". When Peter and Y/n stepped out of the hug Peter grabbed her hand scared that if he were to let go she would disappear. Suddenly everyone looked around noticing that Caspian wasn't with them. "Where's Caspian?" Y/n asks. Everyone looks around and Peter runs into the How Y/n still holding his hand and the rest of the Pevensie's following behind.

New chapter
The next few chapters are going to take a while because I have finals coming up and I applied for a summer job so I have to wait to hear back to see if I got the job so just please be patient. I'll try and get them out as soon as I can
See you soon 💖

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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