Chapter Three

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3rd p.o.v

The Pevensie's and Trumpkin started to walk Trumpkin had told the group that the last place that Caspian was at was the Shuddering wood so, Peter took it for himself to lead the way the only problem was the Pevensie's had been gone for so long that the scenery around them had started to change. "I don't remember this way at all" Susan had said which made Lucy and Y/n agree with her. "That's the problem with girls they can't keep a map in their head" Peter said not turing around. "That's because our heads have something in them" Y/n shot back making both Susan and Lucy laugh. "I wish he would have listed to the DLF in the first place" Susan said "DLF?" Edmund asked "Dear little friend" Y/n told him "oh that's not at all patronizing is it?" Trumpkin said. Peter stopped in front of a wall of rocks that formed a passage way "I'm not lost" he said. "No, you're just going the wrong way" Trumpkin replied. "You said that you saw Caspian at the shuddering woods the quickest way there is to go through the river rush" "But unless I'm mistaken theres no passing through these parts" "Then that explains it, you're mistaken" Y/n, Susan, Lucy, and Edmund at share a look this wasn't the Peter they knew. They kept walking and soon they got to the gorge but when they look over it was at least a thousand foot drop "see over hundreds of years water eroded the earths soil" Susan started but Peter cut her off  "Oh shut up, is there anyway down?" Peter looked at Trumpkin "Yeah falling come there's a ford near Beruna, how do you feel about swimming" "Better that than walking" Y/n said. Everyone turned around to walk back but Lucy turned around once more to look at the river and as she was looking over she saw someone that looked familiar "Aslan, it's Aslan" she said excitedly turning to the group. Everyone went to look at her and where she was pointing "It's Aslan right over there don't you see him he's right" she stops and her smile fades when she sees that Aslan had disappeared. "Do you see him now?" Trumpkin asked "He really was there I'm not crazy I saw him" Lucy cried "look I'm not about to jump off a cliff to someone who doesn't exist" Trumpkin said making Lucy frown. "Well last time I didn't believe Lucy I ended up looking pretty stupid" Edmund said making Lucy smile. "I believe you too Lucy" Y/n said hugging the younger girl. "Why wouldn't I have seen him?" Peter says looking at Y/n "Maybe you weren't looking" "I'm sorry Lu" everyone but Lucy, Edmund, and Y/n started to walk back the way they came. Y/n and Edmund gave Lucy a small smile and told her they were sorry and all three of them walked to the group.

When the group walked up to the ford they were met with ford but when they got there they were met with the Telmarines building a bridge the group hid behind logs and watched. " Perhaps this wasn't the best way to go" Susan said. So they all quietly got up and walked back to the gorge. Lucy and Y/n were at the edge of the cliff looking around "Where do you think you saw Aslan?" Peter asked Lucy "I wish you would stop acting like a grown up I don't think I saw him I did see him" Then Trumpkin cut in to say that he was a grown up. "It was right around" but Lucy didn't get to finish because the ground caved in and Lucy and Y/n both fell. Peter screamed Y/n's name while Susan screamed Lucy's. "Here" Lucy finished making Y/n giggle. When everyone looked down they saw that a path was made so the group could safely get down the gorge.

The group had found a place to sleep so everyone layed down on the grass close to the fire, Y/n was curled up into Peter his arms wrapped around her and the both look up atg the starry night "This reminds me of what we would look out at the stars before bed on our balcony" Peter said "I miss it, I wish we could go back" Y/n said not taking her eyes off the stars but Peter did he looked down at Y/n whose head was on his chest and saw how she admired the stars. "So do I" Y/n looked up to see him staring at her "What are you staring at" "Just how beautiful you are" Y/n smiled and blushed, kissing his cheek. By this point the couple had forgotten that the siblings and Trumpkin were there; they just acted like they had been when they were in the castle. The Pevenise siblings were used to it so they didn't say anything but Trumpkin was not so he was listening to everything they were saying not that he couldn't not hear them as he was just a few feet from them. While the couple was flirting and talking to one another Lucy and Susan were talking quietly to each other so they wouldn't disturb Y/n and Peter. "Why do you think I couldn't see Aslan?" Susan asked Lucy looking at the stars. " You believe me?" Lucy asked looking over at her older sister. "Well we got across the gorge" "I don't know, maybe you didn't really want to." At this point Trumpkin had stopped listening to Y/n and Peter and started to listen to the sisters. "You always knew we were coming back didn't you?" "I hoped so" "I just got used to the idea of living in England" "But you're happy to be here aren't you?" "While it lasts" Susan said and the two girls went to sleep. Y/n and Peter followed soon after and the only thing awake was the fire that was slowly dying.

Y/n awoke when she felt Peter move "Where are you going?" she called out " Just to get up and walk do you want to come with?" "Sure" so both of them got up and started walking. While they were gone Lucy had woken up and thought she heard Aslan so she walked in the same direction that Y/n and Peter were at. "Aslan?" Lucy called out but a hand quickly covered her mouth and she turned to see Peter hold a finger to his mouth signaling her to be quiet Y/n next him doing the same. They hid behind a large bush to see a minotaur standing next to a tree. Peter had slowly drawn his sword and walked up to the minotaur. But before he could hit the minotaur someone blocked his sword with their own. They began to fight Peter had swung his sword and the dark haired boyducked so the sword got stuck into the tree. Peter had picked up a rock and was about to hit the boy when Lucy screamed No. Peter looked at his sister and wife and dropped the rock and looked around to see Narinians coming out of hiding. Peter looked at the boy "Prince Caspian?" "Yes, and who are you?" But before Peter could answer he heard Susan calling out his name with Edmund and Trumpkin next to her. "High King Peter?" Caspian questioned " I believe you called" " Yes but, I thought you'd be older" "Well if you'd like we can come back in a few years" "No,No that's alright, you're just not exactly what I expected. Caspian looked at the Pevensies keeping his gaze at Y/n who was looking at Peter then staring at Susan. "Neither are you" Edmund said. " A common enemy unites even with the oldest of foes. Trufflehuter said. A mouse named Reepicheep steps forward and says to Peter " We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service. " Lucy leads over to Y/n "Oh my gosh he's so cute" making Y/n smile and nod her head, Caspian still looking at her. Reepicheep drew his sword "Who said that" Lucy stepped back a little bit and apologized. "Oh your majesty, With the greatest respect, I do believe courageous, courteous, or chivalrous might befit a knight of Narnia." Lucy nodded her head "Well at least we know some of you can handle a blade. '' Peter said, making Reepicheep turn back and look at him. "Yes indeed, And I have recently put it to good use acquiring weapons for your army sire" "Good because we're going to need every sword we can get."Well then you'll probably be waiting yours back. Caspian handed him his sword back and puts it away.

The kings, queens, Narinans and Caspain walked to where the camp was being held, Y/n and Peter holding hands and Caspian ahead of them leading the way. They reached a meadow with a How it wasn't any how it was Aslan's How. Caspain had stopped as the kings and queens walked in first centaurs stood on the sides of the entrance and raised their swords. When they walked in they saew Narnians working on weapons for the war that was coming. "It might not be what you're used to, but it is defensible" Caspain says to them. "Peter Y/n you may want to see this" Edmund had grabbed the torch from the wall and saw the carvings of their life it should Mr. Tumnus and the light as well as the coronation and going further n you could see Y/n and Peters wedding. "It's us" Y/n says "What is this place" she asks looking up at Caspian. "You don't know?" Caspian said while picking up another torch and leading them to another room. It was the stone table. Fire lights up the whole room and on the back wall is a carving of Aslan. "He must know what he's doing" Lucy says "I think it's up to us now" Peter says. They looked up at the carving and Y/n sat down next to Lucy at the stone table.

Do you guys like the 3rd p.o.v? It's little bit easier to write like this but I want to know what you think
See you soon 💖

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