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"Istg Yang Jeongin, I'm throwing you off this building." Seungmin warned the younger boy as he was told that he forgot to buy the groceries.

Jisung was just watching the two of them fight as he is waiting for Seujin to finish her food so that he can drop her off to her nursery school. The little girl was struggling to munch her food as she was still sleepy.

"Seujin, baby you need to eat up or else we'll be late for school." Jisung said while scooping a spoonful to feed the sleepy little girl. Seujin opened her mouth and munched the food, wishing it was her last.

"Jisung, can you stop by the convenience later? Jeongin forgot to go to the grocery yesterday so we don't have anything for dinner." Seungmin said looking really mad at Jeongin.

Jisung just nodded in reply, he can never say no to this two since they served as his family, well for now as he still doesn't know where his real family is. Seungmin said that he got into an accident a year ago and had amnesia, not having anything to know who he is, Seungmin, who happened to be a nurse at the hospital helped him and welcomed him on his humble home.

"I told you, It was an accident. I didn't purposely forgot, I was just hurrying home as Changbin called me to say he was getting married and going home today!" Jeongin explained, not wanting to get a spanking from Seungmin.

"He also called me but I did not forget to close the flower shop! I swear Jeongin, if you forget the groceries again, I'm not letting you in the flower shop." Jisung just smiled at what Seungmin has been saying, You can't even pinch his nose. Jisung thought.

"Uncle, I'm done eating. Can we please go now? Papa is so noisy." Seujin complained as the little girl hated noise just like Seungmin, the only difference was for Seujin, Seungmin is always noisy.

"Of course, let me get your things and we're off to go." Jisung laughingly said looking at Seungmin who was about to cry because of his daughter's words. Seujin is already 3 years old and was raised by Seungmin alone, Jeongin said that Seujin's father was actually very rich but Seungmin didn't want to talk about it so they didn't know what really happened between them.

"Oh right, Jisung!"Seungmin called the squirrel. "Our childhood friend is going to be married two weeks from now and he want our flower shop to organize the theme of the wedding. Can you come with the theme album later?" Seungmin asked, the theme album was still on print since they just opened it for service.

"No problem, Seungs! Jeongin we're already leaving, are you coming with us?" He asked Jeongin as he still attends a University. Jeongin rushed towards his apartment just across Seungmin's and changed.

"Baby, listen to the teacher well okay? Please don't throw tantrums and always be friendly with your classmates." Seungmin reminded is daughter and the little girl just frowned and hugged his father, obviously not wanting to go to school. She needed to attend summer school since Seungmin still couldn't afford regular class for nursery school. Instead of 10 months, Seujin will only learn for 2 months since the tuition is more cheaper. Seungmin is still saving up for her kindergarten tuitions and hopefully for this summer, Seungmin would reach his money goal.

Jisung felt the urge to also hug his own child but he couldn't, he doesn't even know if he has one or maybe two. Just the idea of having a child, Jisung couldn't even imagine abandoning them and his husband, yep he's gay af.

They left the apartment building and started walking, Seujin's nursery was just two streets ahead while Jeongin's University was just 3 streets away so they'd always prefer to walk than ride the bus. Jisung wore his hood as his introvert ass was shy of meeting people on the road. They were walking silently when a black BMW stopped at their back where Jeongin was.

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