Long time no see

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Joo Dan-tae looked around for the woman he was following, but he couldn't find her. He lost her in the ocean of people coming from the pedestrian crossing. He glanced at a couple making out in the alley and thought he would ask them if they had seen her.

"Excuse me?" Joo Dan-tae said, approaching them. Su-ryeon tensed. She put her hands behind the back of her neck and deepened the kiss. She knew that her ex-husband didn't approve of public displays, which would keep him away from them. Oh Yoon-hee moaned. "How vulgar," Joo Dan-tae whispered, realizing that the couple was too busy making out to even acknowledge his presence. He glared at them and decided to go back to his car. From the corner of her eye, Su-ryeon noticed that he was gone. She smiled into the kiss. It had worked. Suddenly, Oh Yoon-hee bit her lip hard. Su-ryeon pulled back. She broke the kiss.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Su-ryeon asked her, perplexed. Oh Yoon-hee licked her lips and glared at her.

"That was for leaving the hotel and risking not just your life but ours too. He was very close to find us! What were you thinking, Su-ryeon?" Oh Yoon-hee asked her, upset. Su-ryeon swallowed. She stepped forward and put her right hand on her left cheek, caressing it softly.

"I-I'm sorry," Su-ryeon apologized in a whisper. Oh Yoon-hee sighed. "I can't control myself when I see them," she replied, supporting her forehead against hers. Just like Ro-na, Oh Yoon-hee had that soothing effect on her. "I won't be reckless again," Su-ryeon assured her, slowly.

"Good. If they see one of us, it won't be long until they realize we're all working together," Oh Yoon-hee said, focusing on the other woman's lips. They were swollen and she couldn't help but smile. Oh Yoon-hee leaned forward again and their lips met. Her kisses were like drugs to her. Su-ryeon's hand went to her waist to bring her closer to her. Suddenly, they heard footsteps. They broke the kiss and turned around only to see Logan, with folded arms, staring at them.

"Is it safe to go back to the hotel?" Oh Yoon-hee asked Logan, clearing her throat. Logan glared at her.

"Yes. He's gone," he answered, sharply. He walked towards them. "I don't know what you're thinking, but you're putting us in danger. We came here for one reason. Don't forget that," he said, upset.

"Logan, let me explain it to you. I was being followed by Joo Dan-tae. Oh Yoon-hee helped me to distract him. Public displays make people uncomfortable. That's why we kissed," Su-ryeon said, seriously. Logan chuckled.

"I don't see Joo Dan-tae around, do you?" Logan asked them, looking around. Oh Yoon-hee rolled her eyes at his sarcasm.

"Well, what matters is that we're safe. Let's go to the hotel now," Yoon-hee replied, fixing her black hat. Su-ryeon nodded and followed her. Seconds later, Logan joined them. They entered the hotel and took the elevator in silence.

"I'm sorry about the kiss," Oh Yoon-hee falsely apologized, not meaning a single word. Su-ryeon had to bit her lip to don't smile. Logan lowered his gaze.

"It's okay. Like I said, romantic demonstrations make people uncomfortable. It was that or he discovering me," Su-ryeon replied, clearing her throat.

"Maybe, next time, don't do anything stupid. We're here to find Min Seol-ah's real killer. Not to get us killed when we haven't even getting started," Logan said, bitterly. He couldn't let the matter go. Su-ryeon looked at him and noticed that he was blushing.

"It won't happen again," Su-ryeon replied, defensively. Logan chuckled.

"We're lucky that holy Oh Yoon-hee is here to save us, aren't we?" Logan commented, sarcastically. Su-ryeon glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. Yoon-hee cleared her throat. She could feel the tension growing. Thankfully, they had reached their floor. The doors opened and he was the first to step out of the elevator.

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