Worst Behavior - smut

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The one where it was supposed to be a sex scene, but Chris fucked you for real - and he didn't care that your boyfriend was watching

Warnings: infidelity (reader cheats on oc boyfriend with Chris), smut, exhibitionism, public sex, dirty talk, angst.

Chris' P.O.V.

I was seething when I burst through her trailer's door, so out of my mind that the sight of her raising a hand over her heart, clearly startled, didn't make me feel even remotely guilty.

"So this is it, huh? We're gonna film this one last scene, and then you'll be back by his side, like you and I were nothing, like I never even mean anything to you." Somewhere inside my troubled mind, a tiny, still emotionally sober part of me saw her wiping a stray tear after it immediately fell from her eye, clearly not wanting to show this sign of weakness in front of me.

But again, I was too out of it to care. I wanted her to hurt, I wanted her to feel the pain that I was feeling, after all she put me through. How could she expect me to leave this set like I was the same man that met her? She had fundamentally changed me, by showing me how to love and be loved, how it was possible to find in a single person the answer to all of my needs and desires for my future.

I couldn't just go on pretending I didn't know what I knew now. But that's what she intended to do. She wanted to leave and keep living in the pretense that nothing had changed, that she was still in love with the man waiting for her on set.

I knew for a fact that wasn't the case. I knew it because there was no way my feelings were one-sided, no way everything we had gone through had only mattered that much to me. I knew her, probably better than I knew myself. And I knew this was all just fear and anxiety, clouding her mind and stopping her from going after what she truly wanted.

Unfortunately, the only way I could process these emotions at the moment was through anger.

"Is that how you see me?" Her sweet voice surprised me, I didn't expect her to actually respond to my hurt-filled accusations. "Do you think I'm that cruel, that I would just be able to... to leave and forget you like this?"

I huffed, too inside my own mind to relent now. Yes, this is how I saw her, at least at that moment. She was the cause of my hurt, because she was the object of my desires.

"You're doing this out of your own free will," I reminded her. "Don't try to pretend you're just some innocent little victim in all of this. You have our fate in your hands, and you're deciding to let it all go to waste."

At the sight of tears rolling down her cheeks, my decision to leave was made even before she ordered me out of her trailer. I couldn't stand to see her cry, couldn't deal with the knowledge that I was the cause for it.

So, once again, I turned that distress into anger.

Y/N's P.O.V.

The air was chilly on set, and the fact that I was practically naked under the robe didn't help. Neither did the tension between Chris and I. I wanted to make things right, I wanted to reach over and run my hands over his shoulders, relax the muscles I'd come to know so well. But I couldn't do that right now. Not with my boyfriend watching us.

So I resigned myself to fiddling with my fingers as we waited for the set to be ready. Since it was one of those artistic sex shots, it would be filmed from a distance and there wouldn't be any lines or sounds that we had to make, just movements to simulate. Which meant that the few people that were allowed to stay on the set had to watch the whole thing unfold from afar, and we would be free to fake having sex while they filmed us.

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