Determining Zodiac Signs Physical Characteristics

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Determining Zodiac Signs Physical Characteristics


You have a strong and rugged appearance, with prominent brows, nose, chin and mouth. You are average height with a strong bone structure. You have fair or red hair. Because Aries rules the head and face, you probably have a distinctive mark, such as a mole or scar, on your head or face. You tend to be quite healthy. You have good posture and a fast, confident stride.


You have a well-balanced face with full, sensual lips. Your face is square or oval, and your nose is round or turns up at the end. You have thick, healthy hair. Your neck is prominent, standing out in some way – it could be thick or long and elegant. You have a strong jaw, neck and shoulders. You dress stylishly, and wear top quality clothes.


You are tall and strong with shiny eyes. Your face is quite expressive. You give the impression of being full of energy, even when resting. You tend towards a fair complexion. You likely have a high forehead and a long, straight nose.


There's a sense of roundness about you, such as a round face with round features. Your facial features tend to be soft with high cheeks, while your complexion tends to be fair and your nose small. Your hair is usually dark and thin. You probably have small hands and/or feet. Cancer rules the stomach and breasts, so yours are prominent in some way, such as a round, soft stomach or six-pack abs.


You have strong facial features, usually with a wide forehead, large nose, and thick hair. You tend to be tall with long legs. Physically, you're inclined to be muscular with strong, broad shoulders. You have an upright posture and graceful movements. Your eyes are usually almond shape and dark – this doesn't mean dark brown necessarily, but dark in general…dark green…dark blue…dark grey…


You tend to look serious and discreet. Your height is average to tall, with a slender frame. You tend not to have distinctive features, which perfectly suits your preference to not be noticed. You move gracefully and look younger than you actually are. You might blush easily. Your eyes are clear and bright.


You tend to have an oval or heart-shaped face with pleasant features. Your height is average to tall, and you have an average build. You have a tendency to gain weight as you age. You have nice lips and a nice nose. You might have a cleft chin or dimpled cheeks. You have a charming voice with a great smile.


Your face is usually square with well-defined features, sensual lips, prominent cheekbones and noses, and piercing eyes. Your hair is usually thick and brown. You give off the aura of power, seriousness and secrecy. You tend to make direct eye contact with people. You generally have a fair complexion.


You are quite strong, and tend to be tall or very tall. Your face is open and welcoming, with a great smile and thick hair. You have a tendency to gain weight as you age. You tend to lean forward when speaking. You're a graceful klutz – often bumping into things or having slight accidents, but you have the grace and natural athleticism to prevent major harm. You have lovely eyes.


You tend to be thin and small-to-average height. You features are quite fine, with a long nose. Your eyes tend to be deep-set and serious. Your voice tends to be deep and your hair straight. You usually move slowly and deliberately. There's something noticeable about your teeth – they could be straight and even, crooked, or gold.


You tend to be tall with great legs, and broad shoulders and hips. You have a high forehead. Your hair is usually dark, straight and thick. Your eyes are generally bright and shiny.


You tend to be small of height and build, with some extra weight. Your eyes are usually large and hypnotic. You usually have a lovely smile and fine hair. You are the hardest sign to classify physically as you look like a mixture of all the other zodiac signs. This is exactly what makes you recognizable as a Pisces.

*Mine's kinda true tho pero ewan ko lang sa 'long straight nose' lmfao.

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