Gaibotsu Games Chapter 29 - Singing Sting

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Gaibotsu Games Chapter 29 - Singing Sting

Shouichi was sitting outside of the pizza place with Ai, still quite depressed at what had happened. Ai was trying her best to cheer up her boyfriend, but it wasn't exactly working out.

Ai: "C'mon Shouichi-kun... cheer up... please..."

Shouichi: "Atsushi... Yukiteru... why is everyone from my past suddenly turning on me?!"

Ai: "Shouichi-kun it hurts to see you sad!"

Shouichi and Ai suddenly turned around as they saw someone walk up to them, it was Touya. Touya sighed and looked down at his friend, and took a seat.

Shouichi: "Touya... what're you doing here?"

Touya: "Shouichi... I just want to apologize for everything that's happened. I'm sorry about giving up on Yukiteru, and I'm sorry for bringing Atsushi over here."

Shouichi: "Touya, you don't need to apologize, you were just trying to make things better."

Touya: "I insist on apologizing... I just feel like I made things worse for you because of Atsushi. I think I should go hunt him down and try to--"

Out of nowhere, J-pop music began playing on the radio on the window of the pizza place. After a couple of lyrics, Ai instantly recognized who it was and began smiling in a very fangirly way.

Ai: "OMG it's Kiegan!"

Shouichi: "Nani? Who's Kiegan?"

Touya: "Ugh, it's some teenager named Kogure Kintaro, but his stage name is Kiegan. He's a singer, and a pretty terrible one at that."

Ai: "Hey! Kiegan isn't terrible, his songs are a form of art and romance..."

Touya: "Yeah I'm not buying that, his songs are about as artsy as a low-rated movie."

Ai: "His songs are a reflection of his life, from breakups to hardships... it's so fascinating to listen... you just get mesmerized..."

Shouichi: "I've never even heard of him up to this point, so I won't say anything. Besides, I would never diss someone else's work."

Touya: "Well I'm down to earth and if something is bad, I'm going to criticize it, that's just how it is. Now, where were we? Oh, right--"

Touya was interrupted again as music started blasting out of a limousine, and a very fancy one at that. The passenger of the limousine lowered his window and it was revealed he was Kiegan. On the sidewalks, a bunch of girls were chasing after the limousine.

Shouichi: "Woah!"

Ai: "OMG that was Kiegan! I'm sorry Shouichi but I need to go after him!"

Ai got off her chair and chased after the limousine, leaving Shouichi and Touya behind. The two sighed, not really having much clue of what to do next.

Shouichi: "So... that just happened, now what?"

Touya: "So much for having a girlfriend, but what would I know? So as I said, I think we should go find Atsushi. He's most likely still in Japan because the airport isn't open and no boat has left the harbour."

Shouichi: "Sure thing. Hopefully... we can convince him... I don't want to end up losing my brother."

The two got out of their seats and set off to look for Atsushi, hoping to find him somewhere in the city.

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