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   Its been a few days since the incident at the party. Me and Draco spoke once briefly about the incident and he offered help but I quickly declined because I knew he was tricking me.

  Pansy and Hermione have asked around and the only thing we figured out is that it wasn't a Slytherin. I was shocked personally, because I thought it was Draco.

  Astoria Greengrass has left Hogwarts temporarily because of Draco I'm assuming, and her not being here has brought a sliver of peace to my life despite the madness.

  "Oi Riddle.", a voice said.

  I knew exactly who it was. Of course I did. Whether I was willing to admit it, I fancy Draco... unfortunately.

   "What do you need Malfoy.", I reply.

  "I may have an idea of who drugged you but only if you do exactly as I say.", he replies with an evil smirk plastered across his face.

  I thought for a second of how badly this could go, how he could easily blackmail me into doing something for him that I didn't want to do.

Despite all the red flags, I decide to take him up on his offer. I wanted to know who did this as much as I wanted Umbridge dead.

  "Fine.", I reply blankly.

He skips along beside me for the rest of the day and doesn't say a single word. Is this what I agreed to?

***Later that day***

  "Riddle?", an unfamiliar voice said.

  I was in the library studying for my potions quiz that I was sure going to fail anyways. I come here a lot to calm my mind, the party thing was driving me insane so I came here.

  I turned around to see Cedric Diggory. Ive never really spoken to him because he's a Hufflepuff and I think all Hufflepuffs are stupid. He was really cute though and he seemed kind of sweet.

"Oh, Hey Diggory.", I say.

  "So I know you probably don't remember this but at the party we were dancing together and well... uhm... I just cant stop thinking about you and I felt like I needed to see your face.", he says.

  My first thought was "awwww" but Im not a simp so I quickly turned that off. What do I even say to that? I mean, Draco is showing no interest in me and he's still manipulating me soooo I guess going out with Cedric is okay?

  "Would you like to grab butterbeers at Hogsmede with me tonight?", I ask with a genuine smile on my face.

  Maybe going out with a softie Hufflepuff could tone down my anger a bit.

  He agreed to go with me and he said he would pick me up from the Slytherin common room at 7 tonight.

  I was actually kind of excited to go with him. Something about stepping outside of my boundaries felt nice. Maybe this could help me get rid of Draco once and for all.

~~~Later That Night~~~

   I quickly rushed into my dorm realizing I had 30 minutes to get ready. Thankfully for me, Pansy was there to assist me.

  "Sweetie I am so proud of you for ending that skank Draco and whatever you feel for him.", Pansy says.

  "Well Im not sure about "end it" but Im hoping that this will get rid of feelings you know?", I reply.

"Yes I totally understand. I hope hes nice to you tonight.", she replies with a smile.

  Pansy picks out black jeans, a black tank top, and black heels for me to wear. I was going to wear yellow for Cedric but I decided against it because yellow is ew.

"luv" A Draco x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now