So . . . (warning it's a boring A/N)

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Remember how you could pick what would happen next and I said I WILL keep on updating well . . . No I just can't anymore I've been thinking of just leaving wattpad completely since . . .  School and idk. I just feel terrible that I am failing so many classes and just don't know anymore. I've been thinking. . . Why in the world do I hate this place so much why would I rather live with pokemon? Well maybe in video games and stories I actually do something there but in real life I'm just another piece of trash.

In school all they ever tell you is learn of fail and what am i doing I'm failing. Here i dont have any real friends. . . I have only one very good friend but . . . I can't the them how I feel. i don't trust anyone a lot to tell them that I hate school and what I'm doing. I hate how I'm just a sensitive little kid that loves pokemon. I hate how every night I pretend like there is something there. I pretend I have friends and a pikachu. Being a teen is the worst thing in the world and people are treating me like as If I wanted to grow up and be a stupid teen that can only draw pikachu.

There is nothing special about me. I guess most of the time I look at something and say I could do that but better. Than I get really nervous and mess up. Everyone just thinks I'm a stupid little kid. But I'm not I just pretend like I don't know stuff because I don't like talking about it. If no one believes in me who am I to prove them wrong? One person can't change everyone's lives. I want to give up but can't since the only way to give up is to die and I don't want to do that. I talk too much huh. Maybe in wattpad I just feel like . . . idk i'm not actually hearing or looking at someone so I feel more comfortable. 

Remember that one chapter were I was like Um . . ( read this if you want I don't really care) Well is sort of like that happening again but much worse. The thing I hate most about this is that this feeling comes and goes. But when it comes back it gets worst. I think that people might just hate me and say I'm doing this for attention or something but . . . sometimes I just can't. So I'm not updating until the feeling goes away I had lots of good Ideas for this but . . . You can blame school for all this. Don't worry the feeling sometimes last's from a day to a mouth. So goodbye hope your having a pika amazing day.

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