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It had already gotten late, Jimin texted seokjin before the last movie and hadn't gotten anything back. He started to get worried since Seokjin answers immediately. During the movies they would had some small talk. Jimin asked questions about the movie and taehyung would answer them, then get mad when he realized they weren't paying attention anymore. It made jimin laugh, he felt comfortable. 

"H-hyung it's s-s-starting to g-get late, an-and my br-brother ha-hasn't an-an-a--" Jimin took a deep breath, he scrunched his face feeling frustrated. Taehyung turned towards him, "I don't mind if you to stay the night," he said, Jimin nodded. He brought out his phone.

Can I use your restroom? He typed in his phone. Taehyung  nodded and pointed towards the way to the restroom. "The last door," he said in a quiet voice. He can tell jimin was already on edge. Jimin got up and walked to the restroom, hw quickly pulled out his phone to call his brother. Voicemail.

"Hy-hy-hyung, I'm s-s-s-starting to g-g-ge-get ner-nervous. Te-te-text me so I kn-know you-you're okay," he said. He was starting to get irritated since his stutter was starting to get worse. It happened when he got upset. Hearing a knock he quickly lifted his head up, he didn't realize he was crying till he saw his reflection. "Hey minnie, I was wondering if you were hungry or anythi--are you okay," he said when he heard his sniffles. "I'm ok-okay," he said.

Jimin walked out of the bathroom and gave him a smile. "S-s-sorry," he whispered. "m-my stuttering g-ge-gets b-b-bad wh-when I'm up-upset," he explained. "I al-also cr-cry a lot."

Taehyung smiled. "It's fine, I think your stutter is adorable," he said. "We can worry together," Taehyung said. "My brother hasn't answered me back either."


The next morning Jimin woke up with a bolt. He looked around, not remembering where he was for a second. After realizing where he was he looked to his side and saw that he left.

He got off the bed and walked to the living room. "Hey I left you some food," Taehyung said. Jimin nodded and walked to the kitchen to eat. Taehyung soon walked in, "so our brothers met up together last night, they're at your place right now."

Jimin nodded relived that his brother was okay and hopefully safe. "I can walk you home when you're done eating," Taehyung suggested. Jimin nodded, he placed his fork down. He wasn't really in the mood to eat. Taehyung frowned, "w-we c-c-can go-go no-now," Jimin said.


When they got to Jimins house taehyung stopped him, "you usually have something to say, why the long face," taehyung said. Jimin shrugged, "Do yo-you th-think--wa-want to," Jimin took a deep breath, "co-come in-inside," he said. Taehyung nodded "I would love too."

Jimin opened the door and saw both Seokjin and Namjoon on the couch kissing. "What the fuck," Taehyung said causing them to pull apart from each other. "Oh--fuck sorry--I didn't think you'd come right away," Seokjin said as he tried to fix himself up.

"Would it have mattered," jimin mumbled as he walked past the two.  Taehyung quickly followed before he had the chance to slam the door. "Okay, i get you're upset," taehyung said as he closed the door. "I-I wa-was so w-w-wo-worried--fo-for no-nothing," he cried out, taehyung pulled him into a hug. "How bout I take  my brothers car and we go to this place."

Jimin nodded, taehyung grabbed his hand and walked him out of the house. He walked him to the car as Seokjin called for the smaller. Taehyung quickly put him in the car and walked to the other side. Once he got in the car he sped off, "he's gonna b-be m-m-mad," Jimin said to taehyung, who just shrugged.

Jimin frowned, "he's ca-calling me," jimin said as he pulled out his phone. "Don't answer it, you need time for yourself," taehyung said.

Jimin nodded, he sniffled. After awhile Taehyung finally parked the car, "I come here when I'm upset," taehyung said. They were on the top of some hill, jimin just looked him. "Silent your phone, go out there and feel the wind," taehyung said. Jimin handed him him his phone and stepped out of the car.

After he cried for a bit Taehyung stepped outside. "Starting to get worried, you okay?"

Jimin shrugged, "ju-ju-just ti-tired," he whispered. Taehyung nodded, "can I hug you," he asked. Jimin nodded, he opened his arms and allowed Taehyung to hug him.

"You're soft," taehyung commented causing jimin to giggle. "Let's take you home okay?"

Jimin nodded, he was dreading it but didn't care to think about it.


Jimin took a deep breath Taehyung parked the car. "Ca-can you co-come in with m-me," he asked. Taehyung nodded, the two got off the car and walked into the house. They both saw seokjin pacing back and forth, Jimin sighed as he closed the door. Seokjin finally looked at him.

"Park Jimin, where have you been? you know hoe worried I was, how come you didn't answer any of my calls--my text?!"

Jimin pouted, he didn't take getting yelled at very well. "Damm it Jimin answer me!"

"Y-you di-didn't an-an-answer me or my-my calls! I -wa-was wo-worried to-too." By then he saw namjoon coming out from one of the back rooms. "An-and h-he still he-here!" Jimin felt someone touch his shoulder "Min, that's still my brother. Breathe."

"I'm your legal guardian, it's not the other way around! I knew you were safe. I read your updates!"

"An-and yo-you couldn't tell me y-you we-we-w-were o-o-ok-okay!"

"Fuck Jimin because I just needed a break! You make me so st-stressed out I just need a break!"

"I-if you w-want a b-b-break so badly t-then j-just l-leave l-l-like e-everyone else!" Jimin was more than hurt by his brothers words, "yo-you ha-had the choice to go-go wi-with them," he said as he stormed off to his room. Seokjin sighed, "you two should go, thanks for coming," Seokjin said as he walked to the door. Both boys awkwardly left the house, Seokjin sat down on the couch for a couple of hours before he walked back to Jimins room.

He knocked on the on the door and waited for jimin to answer the him. It wasn't long before the door open, seokjin opened it wider and saw that Jimin was already on his way to lay down. Seokjin laid next to him. And they just fell asleep next to each other.

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