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a week later

Jimin was outside of his house waiting for his brother. He was sitting on his porch while on his phone. He quickly looked up when he heard his name being called. He smiled when he saw taehyung with a friend. He told the friend to go ahead and that he would catch up.  Jimin stood up and walked towards him with a smile. "Hey felt like I haven't seen you in a while," he said. Jimin nodded, "I've b-be-been b-busy," he whispered. Taehyung nodded, "you busy today," he asked.

Jimin nodded, "I have s-sp-speech therapy," he said in a quiet voice. By now Seokjin had  pulled up to them, "I guess I'll call you soon," taehyung said as he walked ran back over to his friend.

"Who was that," seokjin asked. Jimin gave a small smile, "a n-ne-new friend."


When Jimin walk into the office, Yoongi was already standing up to greet him. "My favorite patient," he said with a wide smile.  "Hyung I-i'm y-your o-o-only p-patient," jimin said with a small giggle. Yoongi nodded, "and even if you weren't, you'd still be."

Yoongi allowed Jimin to talk about things he felt the need to talk about. Jimin groaned when he saw yoongi pull out his blue file. Yoongi sighed, "I know, I'm sorry but you haven't been doing them, I know you haven't."

"Wh-what if I just st-stop t-t-ta-talking," jimin said.

"Then the world would just be blue and gray," yoongi mumbled as he looked through the file. "Can we start," yoongi asked a bit louder than before. Jimin nodded.

After the session ended jimin waited for his brother, hoping that he'd come before the rain did. But alas that didn't happen, when seokjin did pull up the rain was coming down hard. "Sorry min they had me stay late, how was it today," he asked. Jimin shrugged, "s-sa-same as al-always," he said as he sat back.

Seokjin nodded as he took off back to their house. When they got back to their house seokjin asked if he had wanted anything to eat. "S-sa-sandwiches, cl-club sandwiches,"  he whispered. Seokjin nodded, they quickly got off the car and rushed inside. "I'm gonna get changed and then I'll come start on them."

Jimin just set his stuff down, on the couch. he took off to his room but hearing a knock he walked over to see who it was. Seeing that it was Taehyung he opened the door with a smile. He was still with his friend, the both of them soaked.

Jimin let them in, "I was wondering if i could use your phone, i forgot my phone at home-and my keys, and his is dead," taehyung explained. Jimin nodded and handed him his phone

He walked out of the living room and to a bathroom to grab a towel. When he walked back he saw Taehyung barely getting off the phone. Jimin handed them the towels, and allowed them to take a seat. "M-my hy-hy-hyung is um--he's," jimin just decided to stop talking. Frustrated he walked to the kitchen, he rubbed his head and took a couple of breaths to calm himself down.

Seokjin walked in the kitchen, jimin quickly typed on his phone. they're friends, got locked out of their house.

Seokjin nodded, he began to start cooking the two. Taehyung walked in the kitchen. "You okay," he asked. Jimin nodded, "I'm okay," he whispered. Taehyung nodded, "My brothers here, so im gonna take off. I'll see you around," taehyung said, he rubbed Jimins hair, causing it to mess up. Jimin frowned as he tried to fix it.

"By-Bye taehyung."

When they got back to the house hoseok spoke up. "He was...something else," he said causing taehyung to hit his shoulder. "What," Hoseok said, taehyung just shook his head, "leave, him alone. He's shy," taehyung defended.

"Yeah but the stutter--ow," he said when namjoon hit him on the head. "What's with that today," he asked, as he went to sit down. "He is kinda cute though," hoseok said. "you like cute," he continued as he nudged taehyung. The aforementioned rolled his eyes.

"you should ask him out, maybe if  you got your dick wet or something you'd be less grumpy," Hoseok said with a smirk.

"One, you know I stopped being like that," he said as he put a finger up. "Two, we don't know if he'd even be interested and no I won't date him especially after you know who."

"He's obliviously moved on Tae, I'm sure it would be okay if you did the same."

Feeling a buzz he pulled out his phone, he frowned at the unknown phone number.

Hi hyung. It's jimin was just wondering if you got home safely

From down the block😂? Yes i made it home safely. thank you for checking up on me.

okay just wanted to know! and im free tomorrow if  you still want to hang out.

Taehyung smiled at the message. He sent a quick text to him before putting his phone away. That night he went to sleep with ease.


The next morning taehyung sent a text to jimin to ask if he could come over. The aformention said that it was okay and taehyung quickly got dressed and went to the kitchen. On his way there Namjoon was getting dressed, "Thought you left already," taehyung asked as he took a bite of his apple. Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"I woke up late," he said.

taehyung nodded. "Well Jimin is coming over," Taehyung yelled as Namjoon left through the door. It was a while before Taehyung heard a knock on the door,  he got up and answered it to see Jimin standing there.

"S-s-sorry I to-took a wh-while," Jimin said as he stepped in the house. He looked around and saw some pictures on the wall with a couple of plants around the house. "My brother is out so it's just us for now," Taehyung explained, jimin nodded "mi-mi-mine too," he said. Taehyung walked in front of him and put out his arms as a way to welcome him in. "So, what do you want to do?"

Jimin shrugged, "I have some video games," taehyung said as he walked to his shelf. He handed him a couple of games, jimin looked through them with a frowned. ""i-i d-dont r-r-really play g-games" Taehyung nodded understanding jimin "well I guess we'll play the easiest game in the world mortal Kombat" taehyung said with a smile holding out the game. "You'll enjoy it trust me."


Jimin didn't enjoy it. For one he kept loosing, and two he didn't like the blood. It made him squeamish. Taehyung noticed the discomfort on his face making him feel bad,  jimin looked over to him and gave him a small smile. "C-ca-can't we ju-ju-just w-w-watch a m-m-movie," he asked. Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, is anything fin--obviously not horror but you know?"

Jimin giggled, "anything is fine," he said with a smile. "You pick," taehyung said as he handed him the controller. "I'll make drinks and some snacks," he said.

While Jimin picked out the movie taehyung left to the kitchen.


Namjoon quickly rushed into a the café, he saw the girl he matched with getting her things togheter. "You're late," she said, namjoon apologized as much as he could but she just wasn't having it. She rudely walked out of the building. "Wow what a broad," he heard.

He looked up and saw a somewhat fimilar face. "Seokjin, our brothers are friends with each other," he said as he introduced himself. "Namjoon," the aforementioned said with a smile.

"What brings you here," namjoon asked, seokjin shrugged "my day off and jimins out, thought I'd take a day for myself," he said as he took a seat. Namjoon following after him. "i love him to death but he can be a pain in the butt," he said.

Namjoon nodded "understandable, Taehyung is horrible sometimes."

They both laughed.

"Let's do something then, to have a break."

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