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Ok so, lately I've been having some kinda weird dreams.

I've been stuck with my brother while running through the woods or other places going through portals

I know, I know weird right?

The thing is though- that these portals lead to like a different anime show every time.

Last night- er this morning I dreamt of running up through a field with a random person trying to get into the world of The shield Hero.

The weird thing about that though is I have not watched that one yet....

However we were attacked by a HUUUUUGE hoard of little chipmunk/beaver/platypus mixed things.

They were guarding the little portal that just looked like a tree broke down with a little space between the fallen part and the ground.

Around only 3 feet tall, or 1 meter.

Anyways, the little chimera things were chasing us.

The random person I chose to accompany me had then helpfully stated that they were from the portal. DUN DUN Dunnnn

They just wanted to get back home. Yet they were still chasing us.

They chased us all the way to my HOUSE!!

Persevering little guys. Tch.

Anyways it cut off there. Just wanted to update something.

Update: I have now watched The Rising of the Shield Hero and let me tell you that it is actually really good!

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