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I've definitely read too much omega verse.😁❤ Its weird.

Alright so my brother and I were at our dad's house. We were ready to leave, then he started to like hyperventilate and sweat.

My dad and stepmom freaked out because he has had major medical problems before.

We soon figured it out that he was in heat don't know how we figured it out though.

They asked if he was bleeding right that's a good question? I don't know.

He wasn't, that was good.

We then left to catch up to our stepsisters. They were on their grandfather's porch.

When he learned my brother was an omega he made some pretty dirty jokes, it was disgusting.

He's like 80 something and he was making dirty jokes to my younger brother. Like what do I need me to pull out your oxygen?

I'd never do that of course I'd just get my brother away then never come back.

So there's my crazy ass dream. Hope 8 didn't freak you out too much.😁❤

Good night/ day tell ya later.

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