1. || A party @ Trix ||

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Pic: Cass (Kirstin Stuart) - looking in the mirror and approving what she sees. ;-)

POV Cass

Friday night, I'm preparing for a night out with Kira and Zoë. Calling them my friends would be an understatement. We've known each other as long as I can remember. Attending the same school, and being members of the same recreational clubs, we got to spend most of our time together.

Nothing has changed really. We're more like 'the three musketeers', wait what would a female version of that be? ... 'Charlie's Angels' ... yes, that suits us much better.

One with mahogany brown long hair and light blue eyes – Kira,

one longhaired dark blond with grey eyes – Zoë

and a semi-short haired blond with light green eyes – me, ready to kick ass.

I laugh inwardly at the stupid comparison and get my ass in gear getting ready. I hate the stereotype girls who spend hours in front of a mirror. Putting on a short black skirt and purple top, showing the rim of my purple laced bra. In the dark it looks like part of the top, but I'll bet people will wonder.

The thought alone gives me a bit more confidence. Only to have my positive attitude drop a second later, thinking I could really use an ego boost, it's been a whole year since I have been on a date let alone had a boyfriend (ignoring that one time 5 months ago, which doesn't count because I can't remember much).

"Oh well..." I try to cheer myself up... "even more reason to go out and have fun tonight. No better time than the present to change my single status and get my self-esteem back. Ha! Challenge accepted." My eyes flicker left and right and focus all my senses on my surroundings. ... Utter silence... thank God, nobody heard me. A sigh of relief escapes me. I swear my blabbermouth is going to get me in trouble someday.

Contradictory to picking out my outfit, getting my make-up and hair wright is a bitch. It's good to have a semi-short rebellious blond haircut, I can always sell 'it's meant to fall like that'. As a bonus it adds to my blond Kirstin Stuart look – the young version of course. I start laughing at myself, thinking 'you wish!'.

After about half an hour I'm finished, heading downstairs I pass the mirror, and I conclude: "Daring, not slutty... perfect".

I hear my mom call out laughing "Bye, Cass have a good time... home safe, kay?".

I groan inwardly, hoping, against all reason, she didn't just hear me say that. I nearly run down the hallway and out the door, with a quick "Yeah Mom. By Mom!".

Shit nearly forgot my coat, back in and out with another "By Mom!".

"F-ing Shit, Kira I'm freezing my ass off!" I curse while waiting outside for Kira, should've known better, she's always late. She's picking Zoë and me up to got to the yearly 'youth organization party' this time organized at Trix a club usually reserved for concerts. I was the only one that hadn't turned 18 yet, which was inhibiting us to be allowed access on any other occasion. Not that Kira or Zoë ever complained not wanting me to feel guilty.

Ah there she is. "Finally!" I groan. Looking at my watch it turns out Kira's only 15 minutes late, so It's a good night, that's promising. I got shotgun since Kira passed by my house first, even better!

"Hey, you're late, don't you know it's cold outside" I say as a matter of hello.

"You could've waited inside, you know me" she replies.

"No didn't want Mom to start an awkward conversation on what the plans are for tonight" I say crunching my nose. I change the music on the way to Zoë's, into something more 'Friday night'. Kira nods appreciative.

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