10. || Sneaky ||

136 4 0

Pic: Tristan (Fran Kranz)

POV Jace

"So, she didn't make it back with the second round of drinks, I gather" I state smiling triumphantly, knowing I got her 'wondering' too. I'm such a cocky asshole. As she remains silent, I state "Didn't think so, just checking. Go home, I'll keep you updated. You do the same for me." And I walk away.

I return to the crowd in front of the building. No Cass, no Vince and no brother. I linger a while just to make sure. Meanwhile the girls should definitively be on their way home. Satisfied neither the girls nor the boys are to be seen, I head back to the side street. I made damn sure nobody followed me.

Behind the dumpster is a hatch leading to the beer cellar of the club. Not an exception for a such a building in the city, although most of them have been sealed off permanently over the years. I smirk thinking probably not even the owner knows this hatch is still there.

Once inside I make my way up to the bar area. I try to be as silent as possible, since I'm not sure all the cops vacated the building. Speaking of the boys in blue, they had impeccable time today. An anonymous phone call about a rumored drug deal being planned in the club, and a heads-up to a High-school buddy of mine who's on the force 'et voilà' I got myself a raid.

The 'I scratch your back if you scratch mine' deal with my buddy has paid off for both of us. I won't risk being a real informant, way too dangerous for my taste. But off the record this is kind a sweet as far as deals go. He gets the tips to catch a crook and I get part of the reward and an empty building, well almost empty building. Just me and my subjects. Today the leading roles go to Cass, Vince and his half-brother. I can't stop myself from smiling.

Heading to the office space on the first floor, I was thinking how easy it was to lock them in during the turmoil. I left the bar just as the police killed the music. I quickly found Cass, she wasn't that far yet and without touching her I guided her towards the wall. Pushing people left and right seems to cause some panic, and smart people always head for the nearest wall in reaction. I knew Vince would run to the storage room, seeking solace or just to hide his embarrassing display of arousal. They couldn't have timed it better, she followed them without another push, and I locked the door behind them. Ah "I love it when a plan comes together."

Wait, what was that I heard something. Someone's here. Did that little fucker succeed in breaking out? It's easy enough. But I doubt he would dare to defy me? He's got to know what's going on, he's clever enough. I drop in the seat behind the big screen. Only one way to find out. I plug in the laptop; search for the footage right after the power cut (the police only cut the power for a few minutes) and stream it to the big screen.

There they are, all three of them. My social experiment soirée can start. It doesn't feel wright tough, I definitively heard something, I have a feeling of unease. Someone's watching me! I'll bet I know who. Fucker! Pushing down my anger, regaining control, I'll wait him out. If he wanted me dead, I would be dead already. Besides, he can't know it was me who call the cops on him.

Ah, see I knew Vince was going to put two and two together and fast.

Why is it about Cass, Vince? That's easy. She puts herself naturally in control, she's intriguing. I haven't met too many girls like her. I can't wait to teach her to be a dom. Tonight is a test, let's see how she handles, you two klutzes.

I can't rap my head around her still being a virgin. And neither can she apparently, how could she not know? It might actually be a problem, how can I teach a virgin to be a dom, she will need to build experience first. Fuck, that will definitively delay my plans.

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