5. || 2nd round ||

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Pic: Cass at the end of this chapter

POV Cass

"Oh, Zoë don't be so dramatic what could he possibly ask me to do that is scandalous at the bar, I mean it's in plain sight." I reply already walking towards the bar, a bit disappointed that nothing special can happen. Still, looking forward to starring is those clear blue eyes again.

I push my way through the crowd, already scanning the bar looking for Jace. I spot him and see that he served beers to a blond guy, the guy lingers as they appear to be in deep conversation. Looks like they know each other judging by Jace's amical gestures and facial expressions. When the blond turns and steps away, I can't stop my jaw from dropping and I gawk... it's 'Lightning'.

I freeze on the spot, and I let my eyes follow him as he walks over to 'Thunder' handing him a beer. 'Thunder' looks calm, softer, still there is still annoyance and frustration apparent in his eyes. I shake myself mentally, I'm not going to let them ruin my thrilling night out. What was I ... oh yeah drinks from the clear blue eyed Jace.

My smile returns brighter than before walking up to the counter. I let pass a girl holding two drinks, judging by her face she clearly didn't get any special treatment. Jace notices me the minute I step closer and stares directly into my eyes, not smiling though. "Hi again" I smile at him. He stays quiet and just stares. Making me feel a pang of unease.

He swipes the glass countertop clean and drapes over a towel on his left and another one on his right, leaving a transparent stroke, the width of a man's hand. I'm confused by this meticulous set up. I however don't mis the clear path created just in front of me that focusses my gaze directly on his crotch.

My eyes widen a bit "What y..." I start to ask when he cuts me off.

"You took your time coming back" he states dryly. Slowly one eyebrow lifts and a small smirk appears on his face. "That'll cost ya" widening his smirks. Like I didn't see that one coming, well no actually but at least Zoë did.

Even better, I was hoping for a next level 'Swoooooshing!' anyway, the thought makes me more daring and confident than I feel, and I hear myself say with a silky voice "What do you have in mind?".

He starts laughing, which brings a sparkle in his blue eyes, he was something to look at before now he's just ridiculously hot, my cheeks flush and my breathing speeds up. "Game on!" he yells still laughing with excitement or with an inside joke I don't get.

"Hey that's my line" I murmur sheepishly.

"What?" he asks.

I just shake my head "never mind". He starts gathering all sorts of bottles, an ice bucket, and other things you can mix in drinks, putting them like a barrier to his left and right. Understanding dawns... he's blocking the view, except for us two, nobody can see the clear path leading up to his ... well now my center of attention.

Comprehension must be showing on my face as he whispers coming closer to me "Yes, we're going to play, ... in plain (or not so plain) sight." The smile not leaving his face, there is even an excited twinkle in his eyes, as he says "I have a colleague standing guard just behind you, his back towards us, we will not be bothered".

I started to swing around, just wanting to check who's behind me, but he stops me catching my arm "trust me?... you run the show."

The 'you run the show' resonates in my head, I couldn't really decide where to look, his gorgeous smiling face or follow the path to his now tighter jeans, let alone that I could speak in full sentences... so I just let out "Yes sure", with a ragged breath.

He just stares into my eyes with plain lust and amazement, probably because he's astonished, I'm still there. The thought convinces me 'I actually run the show' and I feel my confidence growing. My sex-esteem power level is promising a 'Swoooooshing!' I roll my eyes up and meet his eyes -yes I opted for the lower part to focus on, couldn't help it seeing there was clearly something swelling in his pants- "so what's your going rate, for a second round of free gin and tonics? What do you want me to do?"

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