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Todoroki walked fast outside until he arrived to the meeting point

He stopped and looked infront of him


Dabi looked at him and waved

"So that's your little bro?" Said Shigaraki

Todoroki frowned
"You fucker." He grabbed Shigaraki by the collar and pinned him against the wall

"You're the one who touched Bakugo."

Tomura looked at him confused
"Who's Bakugo? Calm down"

Dabi pulled Shoto
"Thanks to that blond i knew that you were here, i looked for you everywhere, what are you doing here?"

"On a school trip..."

"I see, i need to tell you something"


"Endeavor is planning to come here and live with you and mom"

"Huh? I won't allow him to hurt mom again!"

"Yeah I know, i just wanted to tell you so you could be aware"

"I..." he looked away

"Shoto i have an advice for you, don't overthink and stress, you're only going to ruin your teenage years, you came here to get away from him and live a new life right? Try to forget your family issues"


"I don't know, find a solution"


"That's new, since when do you do that?"

"Huh...? Oh...I don't know..."

"Anyway, take care of yourself, i have to go"

Shoto nodded

Dabi tapped his shoulder then walked away

Meanwhile Bakugo was now sleeping still hugging Todoroki's coat

Shoto came back and opened the door of his room quietly like he always does. He looked at Bakugo and let go a little smile before sighing and going out to the balcony

He leaned on the iron bar crosing his arms on it and blowed smoke from his mouth because of the cold now that it's late and the weather is starting to get cold

He was thinking...overthinking...what should he do...why him...as he was thinking he remembered all what his awful father did, to him, his mom, his whole family. He remembered all the nights he was laying on his bed, crying quietly, suffocating his sobs so that his father don't hear him whine, he was afraid, afraid that his father will get mad and call him weak, but everybody is allowed to cry right? Everybody has feelings, the feelings that Shoto completely erased to fit his father,s expectations. No smile, no happiness, no sadness, only that pockerface that he can't remove, since when did he started to be afraid to show emotions? Since his father planted the fear and sadness in him? Or since he realized that in this world only the stronger wins? Only those who don't show emotions are powerful, is it because he wanted to prove to his father that he was strong? Maybe...

Sadness, fear, trauma, depression, loneliness, his mom suffering, him throwing up, the endless tears running down his cheeks, tears, more tears, until no more drops falling from his eyes, no more positive emotions, just hate, revenge, rage. All of this was spinning over and over in his head. He runned away from all of this and left everything behind, why does that man have to come back? The man who personified all his problems. Why.

He got bought back to reality by the voice of the only one that could emotionally help him now


"Huh..?" He looked his way confused

Bakugo stood besides him and leaned on the bar too. He poked Shoto with his elbow
"Hey, you're crying, you look ugly"

Todoroki raised and eyebrow and put his fingers on his cheeks, he was really crying. He quickly wiped his tears


"Who do i have to kill?"

Shoto looked at him and chuckled
"No one..."

Bakugo didn't say anything and looked infront of him. He discreetly got closer to Shoto

Todoroki looked at him confused and Bakugo got even closer

"Are you...trying to comfort me...?"

"AS IF!!"

"Thank you Bakugo..."


Todoroki hugged him tightly, too tight
"You're very nice..."


"Oh...sorry..." he hugged him less tight

"Tsk." Bakugo hugged him back


"What now"


"For what?! For fucks sake stop fucking apologizing!!"

"For bothering you..."

"Just shut up!!"



"Okay sorry..."


Todoroki smiled and nestle his face in Bakugo's neck, blushing

"Huh?! What the fuck?!"

"You said my name again..."

"I- i'll throw you from this balcony."




This is it for this chapter!

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