AN: Sorry about this chapter, it isn't very well written. I have severe writers' block, and I can't think very well. Hope you enjoy!~
-6:00 AM-
"Rosaaa, turn your alarm ooffff!"
"I'm tryiiiing! Hold on! Do you have a knife?"
"WHAT?! Why do you need a knife?! It's 7 in the morning!"
"I'll tell you in a sec! Just get me one!"
"Here, a pocket knife."
"That's why."
Liz sat up, rubbing her eyes. It wasn't the most pleasant way to her wake up, but it will do for now. I accidentally woke up at 5 am to go to the bathroom, but couldn't go back to sleep. After that, Liz took FOREVER to get dressed, but when she did, she ate, and then we both headed out for a walk to the park. We were gonna go to the carnival, but I didn't have enough money on me for tickets. We sat down at a nearby bench and sat in uncomfortable silence. Liz soon then broke it.
"So, I heard you say something about a job? What days do you work?" Liz asked, over at me.
"Yeah, I've been working part-time at McDonald's night shift for a while," I answered, now looking at her. "Mondays, and Wednesdays. For like 4 hours."
"Ohhh, that explains why you are late to class." Liz said, looking back at the pigeons, who were currently fighting over a piece of gum on the sidewalk. "Aaand why you look horrible when you do."
I looked at her with a death glare. She quickly then responded.
"Soooo, when do you wanna go shopping?"
" We could go in like an hour or so. Then all of the good malls and cafes are open." I replied simply, shrugging my shoulders.
"Understandable, have a nice day," Liz said, giving me a smug look.
"Bro I swear you and Lucas will be the death of me," I said, shaking my head slightly.
Liz answered quickly. "I thought you said you liked memes?"
"I do, but there is a thing called 'overusing'. Dunno if you ever heard of that."
Liz grumbled in defeat.
"So, anyway, about that job, how do you handle that? I bet I couldn't do one night without eating all their french fries or falling asleep or both!" Liz said, throwing her arms up.
"Yea, you seem like the person who would do that," I say, giving her that same smug look she gave me.
"Ouch." Liz pretended to look hurt.
"Excuse me, princess, but may I remind you that your said that, not me?"
Hello again! I just rediscovered this story and decided to finish it. But now, I am officially living in a different state then the last one I was in! (Yay) okay, bye!
Teen FictionThis is my first real book, soo, yea. Bear with me here. No one knew. No one understood. My "mom" and "dad". No one knew that my dad was a burglar. They didn't know about the scars, beer glasses, cigars, and blood-curdling memories. Everyone thoug...