Chapter 1

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Hey, my name is Marissa, I am 17 years old and live in Bradford. I'm currently a senior in high school . I am as you may call it, a shy nerd.I usually wear baggy clothing, I have really nice clothing but I don't have confidence to wear what I have. I don't have much friends, except for my best friend Angela. We have been best friends since we were little. I'm going to my locker with Angela by my side. Across the hall I spot him,Zayn Malik. Zayn is the popular guy with a cheerleader as a girlfriend. Yea I know all the popular guys have cheerleading girlfriends, thats why I know he's not interested in me. I've had a huge crush on him since 8th grade. I was looking at him while biting my lip. "Marissa?", Angela snapped in front of my face. "You're looking at him aren't you?", She asked? Sadly yes. The bell rang and we went to our classes. The day went by, and it was soon time to leave. Me and Angela went to my house. You see Angela isn't only my best friend she's like the sister I've never had. Since it was Friday night we decided to chill, make popcorn, and watch movies. It was nice to have someone by your side.

*Zayn's pov: we were all at Alex's house, a good friend of mine. It was Alex, Janet( his girlfriend), Danny, Amber(my girlfriend), and me.

We were talking and Danny suggested we should play truth or dare. We all agreed.Danny dared Janet to jump in the pool. Afterwards she was soaking wet but Alex gave her some clothes to change into. After she changed we continued playing. It was my turn next and they all knew that I am not scared of dares. Five minutes passed by and Alex said ," I dare you to ask out and date Marissa for a whole month." I was shocked, "huh? What about Amber? ", I asked."You can date her secretly", Alex said. I looked at Amber and she nodded while rubbing my arm. "Ummm okay I'll do it Monday morning." After the game I dropped off Amber and went home. I laid on my bed, looked at the ceiling and wished my self good luck.

*Monday morning* Marissa's pov: Angela and I went to my locker to get our books. I closed my locker and next to it was Zayn. "I think I'll go early to class", Angela said. "Okay bye I said. " "Hey", zayn said. "Hi", I said shyly.

"Erm I know this is sudden,but would you um like to um go out with me?", he asked. "I thought you were going out with Amber", I said. "We broke",up he said as he scratched the back of his neck. What?? The Zayn Malik just asked me out:O, but why? I didn't care I just went with what my heart said, "yes", I said to him. He half smiled. He asked for my number and we exchanged numbers. The bell rang & he walked me to my first class. Ring ring, it was time for lunch, Zayn told me to sit with him today. I asked him if Angela could join us and he said, yeah. It was his group, me, and Angela. "So what's your favorite color, Zayn asked?" "Purple", I replied. "Purples my favorite color too" Chris said,(Zayn's best friend) We started having short talks about the basics in our selves. "What do you like to do?" Danny asked. "I like to draw." "Really, what do you like to draw", Zayn asked? "I like to draw anything that I am interested in, but I love to draw scenery and people." " I like to draw cartoons" Zayn said. "That's really cool", I said. I saw him blush. Awwww! It was a nice talk,we were laughing and I felt like I belonged in this group .But the entire time Amber was glaring at me.

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