Chapter 8

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Marissa's pov: "I like this guy and my friends tell me that he likes me too, but they say he is to shy to admit it. We've talked a little and the conversations that we've had are nice and funny, we always have something to talk about, but I doubt he'll want to talk about his feelings towards me", she said. " If you really want to know the truth about how he feels about you then you should ask him. Maybe he wanted you to bring it up hoping you felt the same, I said. " She gasped. " You are so right, that makes sense, I'll tell him first thing on Monday. Thank you so much Marissa, she said. "Anytime, whenever you need anything just let me know", I said. She hugged me and I hugged her back. We went inside and went to go watch tv with Safaa. I on the other hand went in the kitchen. In the kitchen was Mrs.Malik. " Hello sweetheart." "Hello Mrs. Malik", I said. " Call me Trisha", she said. I smiled. "Do you need anything Mrs.- I mean Trisha", I asked. "Well I am planning on making a cake, do you want to help", she asked. " Yes, I love making cakes, I said. "Let's starts baking", she said. While baking the the cake I told Her more about myself and she told me more about the family and Zayn. "Hunny, since you like making cakes, would you like to make me one of yours?", she asked. "Of course", I said. I made the cake as we chit chat some more. *Ting* The cake was ready. I put the gloves on opened the oven and took the pan out. I set it on the counter gently when it was a bit cool I flipped it so it can fall into the plate. I made an icing from my recipe and Tricia helped me cover the cake in it. It was really fun. *Ding Dong* the doorbell rang. "That must be Zayn,, go with him hunny. "Are you sure?", i asked. " Yes, I'll finish up the cake and serve it on plates for you all to eat. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I went into the living room and there being hugged by Safaa and Waliyha stood, my boyfriend. When he looked up to see me his smiled turned into a grin. The girls released him and went into the kitchen. I made my way over to him. I hugged him and he hugged me back. I looked up and he looked down at me. He leaned and pressed his lips against mine. "Awww", a voice said. We pulled apart and saw Safaa with a cake filled with two different cakes. We both started to blush. " " Then Waliyha came in with two plates also. "You two are so cute", she said. Zayn kissed my cheek. She handed Zayn and I our plates and Safaa gave her one and kept the other one for herself. Zayn and I sat on the couch across from Safaa and Waliyha. Trisha then came and sat next to Safaa. We all began to eat the cake and it was delicious. Mmmmmmmmmmmm Trisha's cake was so good it was tasty!! We continue eating and Zayn said, "Wow mum, your new cake is so good!" He said as he was picking the crumbs left on his plate. "Why thank you baby, but I didn't make it", she said. " Who did?", he asked curiously. "Marissa", Safaa and Waliyha both said at the same time. He turned to me, "Wow babe, your cake is really good." "Thank you", I said. When we finished eating Safaa, Waliyha, and Trisha took the plates to the kitchen leaving Zayn and I alone on the couch. Zayn smiled at me and chuckled. "What?", I asked confused. " You have chocolate left on your lip", he said. " Oh", I said while reaching for a napkin. "Let me get it", he said as he was leaning in and taking it off with his lips then starting a kiss. *knock knock* The knock interrupted our kiss and we pulled apart. Zayn stoop up heading for the door. I also stood up. He opened the door and it was his dad. "Hello son", he said as he embraced him in a hug. "Hi dad", he said. "And who is this young lady?", he asked. " Dad, this is my girlfriend, Marissa", Zayn said. "Nice to meets you", he said. " Nice to meet you too Mr. Malik", I replied. He chuckled. Call me Yaser

Oh okay Yaser. "I'm going to join my wife in the kitchen, it was a pleasure to meet you Marissa", he said. "It was a pleasure to meet you too." He left and Zayn and I went back to the couch, a few minutes later Safaa and Waliyha came in. Right behind them came in their parents. We all sat down in the living room. Zayn's dad was eating while we were all talking. They were telling me how Doniya couldn't be here since she is busy traveling with her friends. We talked and the Malik's are a really nice, funny, loving family.

It was around 9:30 and I had to go home soon. I excused myself and announced that I was going home. The whole family walked me to the door and we said our goodbyes. I hugged each and everyone of them. While hugging Waliyha I whispered in her ear, "good luck". She hugged me tighter and whispered back "thank you." Mr. and Mrs. Malik said to come anytime I would like. Mrs. Malik also thanked me for the cake and asked if I could give her the recipe. I happily agreed. "When hugging Safaa I squared down to her level and gave her a hug. After saying our goodbyes, Zayn and I walked towards my car hand in hand. I leaned against my car door and said, "We'll I'll see you later babe." I kissed him and he kissed back with more force. We pulled apart. I hopped into my car and closed the door. Before I closed the door I heard him say, "wait I have to tell you something." I rolled down the window and asked, "yes?"

"Oh um I just wanted to tell you that I'll be taking you out on a date sometime this week", he said as he scratched his neck. "Oh, okay. I'll be looking forward to it", I said happily. He smiled,leaned inside the window and crashed his lips against mine. A minute later I slowly pulled away biting his lip gently knowing that he loves it. "Bye babe", I said as the car was pulling out of his driveway. "Bye love", he said.

I was out of his driveway and was heading home.

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