Chapter 3

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The movie ended and we walked out. "Hey babe, I'm going to the restroom", he said. " Oh okay I'll be over there", I said pointing at a poster. I walked towards the poster and took out my phone. I texted Angela and Chris letting them know the date was going good so far. " Hey", a voice said. I looked up and It was the guy from the counter. " I was wondering if I could have your number and maybe hang out", he said flirtatiously. Before I could respond I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist. " Hey babe", Zayn said while glaring at the guy. " Umm sorry but we have to go", I said politely. We left the theater and got into his car it was silent but I didn't mind. When we arrive at my house he walked me to the door. I hugged him and he hugged me back. after the hug was broken He started walking towards his car and I towards my house. " Zayn wait, I said." " What is it babe?", he asked. I walked over to him kissed his cheek and said thank you. " Anytime", he said. I went inside and peeked out the window and saw him walk back to his car while touching his cheek that was blushing.

Zayn's pov: What's wrong with me? I suddenly grew jealous I mean I now it was a dare but still she was my "girlfriend". It was quiet in the car & I didn't feel like breaking the silence I walked her up to the door and i thought something was gonna happen. As i was walking towards my car, she called me i stopped and she came towards me. She thanked me and she kissed me, well my cheek. But still it was a nice warm kiss.

Marissa's pov: "You kissed him?" Angela practically screamed. "Not him, but his cheek", i said. "Either way you kissed him, Ohhhhhhhh Marissa", Angela kept saying. "Shut up", I said as I threw a pillow at her. She grabbed another one and as a result it turned into a pillow fight. I changed out of my clothes, said goodnight to Angela and fell asleep.

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