So close, so far

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Bakugo p.o.v

"Ok guys let's start this meeting. Since yesterday has anyone had any leads?" Aizawa asked at the front of the table.

"Ya I do. I was patrolling last night and this morning and I saw 3 abandoned warehouses me and Hawks can check out. And I also want to know why there is a angry child at our meeting." The bunny bitch hero glared at me leaning into her seat.

"This is katsuki bakugo, one of my other students. he will be joining us for the rest of the mission." Aizawa sighed.

"You sure he can handle this mission? We're up against the league." She asked again raising her eyebrow.

"Yes, I think he's very capable of helping us with this mission and his quirk can be of help to us. Now if we may continue." Aizawa said tiredly.

"You and hawks can go check out those warehouses after the meeting. Call us if you find something. The rest of us will be patrolling around the city looking for anything unusual. And with that, you may go. Bakugo your patrolling with me." Aizawa said letting everyone leave and do their part.

Everyone left the building and me and Aizawa left too. We patrolled the city in more of the dangerous parts.

"We're getting no where." I scoffed continuing to walk behind him.

"Listen I know she is alive and well. They wouldn't kill off someone that had much value to them." He informed me.

"Ya I know she's not dead. But she's missing. If only I saw her after. Or she slept at my hous-" I started thinking out loud.

"Stop putting the blame on you kid. This isn't your fault. The situation was unexpected but we will get her back." He stated sounding like he was trying to take my mind off of it a little.


"We found something here. Can the group meet at ***** 78432. We might have it." Hawks said into the earpiece that was given to us.

"Let's go kid, we don't have time to waste." Aizawa said starting to walk faster to our destination.

"Do you really think they found the place already?!" I asked running.

"It's so early it seems not true, but it's a possibility that we can't take for granted. Kamui and the rest are already close so we need to hurry." He said sounding determined.

I nodded and looked ahead.

We soon ran into everyone at a abandoned ware house across city.

"There's an entrance on the other side. We're not sure if this is the place but it's worth checking. We saw suspicious activity around here." Hawks said standing next to mirko.

"I'll check it with bakugo the rest of you stay and watch out for us at the entrance." Aizawa said while he gestured for me to walk with him.

We walked around the corner and kept quiet and stealthy. After entering the building we started exploring. We found nothing.

All the rooms, behind every worn down vehicle and nothing.

I rolled my eyes in disappointment as me and Aizawa starting walking towards the exit.

"We still have three other too check. Don't look so low." Aizawa muttered before we met up with the others.


Y/n p.o.v

The door from the same dark room I had been in all night and morning had creeped open.

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