Fear lingers

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A/n Um hi I wanted to start putting the song I think correlates to the chapter even tho we're like 74 chapters into this god damn book but idgaf anyways the song of day is : In my head, by : bedroom

Y/n p.o.v

We made our way onto the streets and sidewalk so I could get to an ambulance. Mirko was by my side the whole time, making sure I was ok and didn't get overwhelmed by the number of people around.

They ran me up to an ambulance and the EMT's hurried me into the vehicle.

I got rushed to the hospital and katsuki and the others were following right behind me.


I'm laying in a hospital bed. I had a bruised bone in my ankle and some of the cuts were infected from lack of treatment. I had burn marks on my arms and neck that will heal clear. My back and head were sore from the tree too. But the bruise on my face was healing.

*knock knock*

"L/n? You have some visitors in the lobby, would you like to see them?" A nurse asked me peeking her head through my door.

"Um.. who is it?" I asked hesitant.

"Your brother, and aunt." She said looking at her clip board.

"Oh. Uhm. Ya." I said still hesitating on my answer.

I wanted to see them but.. this all could have been avoided if they listened to me. I wouldn't be in this damn hospital bed if they listened to me.

I heard the door open which snapped me out of my thoughts.

Kaki ran up to me the fastest and gave me a hug. A really tight hug.

"I'm sorry, y/n." He said into my shoulder.

He backed away and my aunt came up and hugged me.

"I'm sorry too, love. I should've listened to you." I heard her sniffle.

"Please. Don't cry. I'm ok. I'm fine." I said hugging her back.

I'm not fine.

"No no. I'm truly so sorry my love. We put you in danger. And I just- I- I'm just so sorry. I love you so much." She said starting to cry.

"I.. love you too."

No I don't.

She broke the hug and started wiping her face from the tears.

"You have another visitor that I'm sure you want to see. I'll be back later to check on you, ok?" My aunt said hooking her arm around kaki's and wiping the remainder of the tears left on her face.

I nodded my head and waited for someone else to come in.

*knock knock*

"Come in." I said loud enough for them to hear.

"Hey" katsuki said opening the door and closing it quietly behind him.

I smiled and held my arms out for him to hug me. He walked over fast and fell into my arms, hugging my waist.

"I missed you so much." I said while my voice started to get shaky.

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