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''Isn't Kenma's house this way?'' you ask Kuroo as the both of you take the left turn instead of the right. You moved your head to face Kuroo, who has both hands stuffed into his pockets. ''Hello?'' you say as it seems you didn't catch his attention.

''Kuroo?'' you try again, still not getting a reaction from the guy next to you, ''why are you ignoring me?''

''Oho, shorty, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.''

You hum before clearing your throat, ''where are we going? Kenma's house isn't this way.''

''We're not going to Kenma.''

''What?'' you narrow your eyes as you stand still, your eyes following Kuroo's figure as he continues walking, ''where are we going then?''

''We're going to my house and grab my mom's car. I asked her if I could borrow it,'' he said firmly, his expression remained unchanged. As the two of you reached his house, you both got in the car and Kuroo started to drive to wherever he was going to take you. You didn't even know Kuroo had his drivers license.

The two of you reached a parking lot and got out of the car. ''Just trust me, babe,'' he chuckles deeply before winking as he continues to walk. You decided to follow him, trusting whatever you had to trust. The two of you went on walking before reaching a lake. Kuroo remained silent as he stopped in front of the water, dangerously close to getting his feet wet.

''Can you do something for me?'' he asked and you nodded, ''can you call your parents and tell them we're going to eat at Kenma's?''

''What, why?''

''Trust me,'' he winked again and you knit your brows together as you shook your head disapprovingly. Something didn't feel right and it made you feel anxious.

''Are you going to kill me? Why won't you just tell me why we're here and why you lied about going to Kenma?''

''Come on, babe, you're going to ruin the surprise,'' he said lowly before stepping towards you, grabbing both of your hands and intertwined your fingers. He looked at you with his cat-like irises, piercing through your own before kissing your nose lightly.

''Alright...'' you whispered as you wiggled your hands out of Kuroo's grip, grabbing your phone out of the pocket of your jeans and dialling your mother's phone number. You made up a believable lie, apologised to her for bailing on your parent's sweet invitation and hung up.

''So, what are we doing here?'' you asked him, not enjoying the surprise so far. You were never fond of surprises anyway, especially not when you knew you were going to get a surprise. You rather wanted to know what was going to happen, so you could prepare yourself for it.

Kuroo sighed as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder whilst he began walking again. ''I prepared something for you... I hope you like it,'' he whispered into your ear before planting a kiss on top of your head.

After walking for about five minutes, the two of you reached a beautiful little wooden cabin right in front of the lake. The cabin was decorated with little lights, a little deck was in front of it with two chairs and a side table in between the chairs. Your eyes widen as you watch Kuroo standing still in front of the cabin, turning around to face you with a big smirk on his face.

''What is this?'' you laugh nervously.

''It's my dads— I told him I wanted to stay here with the volleyball team, to relax before the game upcoming weekend.''

''There is a game this weekend?''

''Yes, shorty,'' he rolled his eyes, ''but I wanted to stay here with you tonight.''

''M-Me?'' you stutter, ''but I—''

He suddenly burst out into laughter, adding confusion to your feelings and mind. ''why are you laughing,'' you deadpanned and waited a few seconds until Kuroo finally stopped laughing like a hyena.

''Don't worry, we don't have to share the bed if you don't want to. I'll sleep on the couch. I just wanted to spend some time with you, babe.''

''I feel like you're scheming something. You're never this nice.''

''What? I've always been nice, shorty.''

You squint your eyes as you try to read his expression, but you were unable to do so. You didn't want to doubt him any further and his words seemed genuine. You just couldn't believe someone would do this for you, and wanted to do something like this with you.

Kuroo took the keys out of his pocket as he walked towards the cabin, unlocking the door and opening it. He smirked at you as he signalled you to go inside first, ''ladies go first,'' he teased.

You rolled your eyes playfully before stepping inside of the cabin. A warm, welcoming air hit you and some kind of cinnamon scent filled your nose. There were big windows, tall walls, a beautiful fireplace and a cosy living room. It looked beautiful, to say the least.

''It's so nice here,'' you admit as you walk around the place, looking at everything you could see. Kuroo closed the door behind him, a boyish grin plastered on his face. He watched you, admiring every single part of you.

''Let's eat,'' he suggested as he pointed at the bags of food on the kitchen counter, ''I ordered some food for us.''

''So, you really planned all of this, huh?'' you said, amazed.

''Anything for you.''

You laughed and started to eat. Soon night started to fall and the sky turned dark, stars and the moon lighting up the world. Kuroo had opened the big doors, giving you a perfect view of the lake. Since it wasn't cold outside, you didn't mind the doors being open. The fresh air making you feel relaxed.

You and Kuroo sat outside, enjoying the stars and deep conversations the two of you were having. In just a matter of a few hours, it felt like you two had grown closer to each other. The feelings in your heart started to become even stronger and saying you were enjoying your time with him was an understatement.

''Y/N?'' he suddenly called out your name. You hummed, taking a sip of your steaming hot tea, hissing in pain as it burnt your lips.

''I don't like the way you and I started dating... The bet. I don't like it.''

''What? It was your idea.''

''I know, I just want to ask you out properly.''

You raised your brows at him, your heart doing flips and the butterflies in your tummy go crazy. Although it was cliché and sappy, you thought it was adorable how he wanted to ask you out in a more special way. You looked at him and smiled.

''Y/N, do you want to be my girlfriend?''

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