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You had waited around an hour after class now. You didn't understand why you were willing to help Kuroo, but you were. He was nice to you, so far, and you appreciated it. Maybe you both could end up being friends. You tapped your foot impatiently on the ground as you waited at the gates of the school. Kuroo and you had agreed to meet there after volleyball practise. He said he would be there around an hour after last class ended, so there you were, waiting. You took your phone and frowned your brows as you looked at the time.

You grew sick of waiting and decided to go to the gym, where Kuroo was practising, to ask if he would almost be done. You scrolled through your phone as you were walking, but got stopped in your tracks when you heard someone call out your name?

''Hm?'' you hummed as you looked up from your device. It was ponytail girl. You smiled awkwardly and waved at her seeing her run up to you.

''Kaiya,'' she smiled and held out her hand, introducing herself. You shook her hand and put both of your hands in the pockets of your jacket.

''What are you doing here? Didn't class end like an hour ago?''

''Yeah. I'm waiting for uh... Kuroo. I agreed to help him with science.''

''Science?'' she asked suspiciously and raised one brow whilst narrowing her eyes as she looked into your eyes, confused. Of course, she knew how Kuroo was the best at science. So, she thought it was weird how the new girl was supposed to help him. Well, he can't be great at everything, she thought.

''He must be practising still'' she said and scrunched her nose.

''I figured. Which is why I wanted to take a look''

''Can I come with?''

''Yeah... okay. Sure''

Both of you walked to the gym. You could hear the shoes squeaking and when you entered the Gym you saw the volleyball team practising. You did not know a single thing about volleyball, so you had no idea what was going on. You only knew they were gonna wrap it up for today because Kuroo said so.

''Y/N!'' he said and jogged towards you. A few strands of his hair stuck against his forehead because of his sweat and you smiled at him. He grinned and rubbed his head with his shirt, showing off his toned abs and his perfect V-line. You gulped and could just feel you were blushing. Kuroo noticed as well and smirked before winking at you again. You quickly looked away and rolled your eyes.

𝘉𝘌𝘛 〆 Kuroo Tetsurou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now