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''And? How has he been doing?'' Kenma mumbled, taking a sip of his iced tea before wiping the condensate of the cold glass on the black baggy jeans he's wearing. You rattled the ice in your glass before taking a sip of your own drink, an iced tea as well, you tapped your fingernails against the transparent glass that showed off your drink perfectly. You sighed, rubbing your knees with your hands before stretching your back. The birds were chirping their own little songs and the sun was shining beautifully this day as if everything had fallen into place. People were talking around you, all having their own conversations as you were catching up with the person who had become your best friend, Kenma.

It had been a few months since you and Kuroo argued, a few months since you had found out your relationship had been based on a bet. If that bet had never happened, Kuroo most likely wouldn't have said a word to you. One would say you had to break off the relationship and go your own way, find someone else and start over with them. A new chapter. A new love.

But you simply couldn't.

You had feelings for him, strong feelings. And though you were afraid this was still all a part of the bet, you had decided to give Kuroo a chance. You wanted him to be able to prove himself to you, as he kept claiming he actually does have feelings for you. You wanted to give him a chance to show you just how much he loves you. Since that's what he had claimed to do, love you. He claimed to love you so much and that's why you wanted him to show all of the feelings for you that were buried inside of his heart.

And oh, he did. He did prove himself to you.

It all started when the next week he had gotten Gin so far as to admit that the bet had been put to a stop and that there was nothing more to it. Kuroo wasn't proving his love to you as a part of a bet, it was him proving his actual feelings for you. And it had reassured you. He also admitted that Kuroo wanted to cut it off before and that Gin found that ridiculous and wanted to continue playing, and that's the only reason it continued like that. To your surprise, Gin even apologised to you. Not for the bet, but making you so cautious of Kuroo. He told you to put a little more trust into Kuroo, and that he actually does have feelings for you. You didn't know why Gin decided to admit all of this to you, considering he got off to hurting people, but you thought he had maybe gotten some common sense in that shallow head of his. Anyhow, Gin, the person who Kuroo had this bet with, telling you Kuroo has actual feelings for you made your heart flutter. Though you were still afraid of all of this, you were starting to get a little more confidence in the person who had stolen your heart.

After that, Kuroo told Yui and Misaki to back off and not try to ruin this relationship any further. He made it clear to Yui that he does not have feelings for her and that his heart is completely obsessed with you. You were there when it happened, and you couldn't help but giggle when you saw her head turn as red as a tomato when she got confronted. You didn't necessarily need him to confront the two girls like this, but it was nice to see Yui get what she deserved. A confrontation that made her rethink her actions, hopefully. You weren't holding a grudge towards them, you never had, but the fact that they tried to make you look bad and themselves look good was still bugging you a bit. Nevertheless, that chapter had been finished, and you were sure they weren't going to mess with you any longer. If they did, it was just going to be a 'whatever', not caring so much about others is what would probably be better for you. You didn't want to beat yourself up so much because of people who did things to you with ill intent. There is no point in that, you're just going to make yourself feel worse.

These months Kuroo has been helping you with science and this whole science incident has become an inside joke the both of you shared. He would come and hang out with you almost every day, prepared you very well for every science test the both of you had to take, and you surprisingly got very good grades because of him.

You could tell he was trying his best to be a good boyfriend, a good person and it was obvious he tried his best to make all of this work in the end. He got you flowers, helped you when you were sad and gave you the constant reassurance you needed because of the bet putting a dent in your confidence.

He had begged you to come to his volleyball matches. First of all, wanting to show you off, but also claimed that you were his lucky charm. He needed you there. He wanted to show you just how good he is at volleyball and you were more than pleased to show up every time. And whenever he won, he would smother you with kisses and thank you for showing up and being his girlfriend.

You felt happy and so did he.

Nothing particularly bad happened in these few months. School went fine, your grades were okay, just the way they usually were. You weren't worried about anything and neither was Kuroo. Whenever you were together, there was some sort of veil of peace over the both of you. Of course, Kuroo had hurt you and broke your trust, but you didn't feel like it was impossible to regain it back. He deserved a second chance as long as he fought for it. That's what you believed. And that's how it went. He treated the second chance he got with care and he was so gentle with you.

''He's been good. You were right... about everything, really. I don't think Kuroo would fight this much for me if I didn't mean a thing to him.''

''I told you.''

''You did,'' you giggled, ''I should listen to you more often.''

You stared at the people walking by, all having their own destination to go to. You wondered where things would go from here, you were wondering what the future was holding for you, but you shouldn't worry about that too much. Life goes the way it goes, you can try your best to change your fate, but in the end, if something goes wrong, you can't do anything but accept it and try to learn from it. As long as you learn from your mistakes and make sure you never repeat them again, things should gradually get better. Kuroo had learned not to judge people too quickly and take on stupid bets like that. He had to take others' feelings into consideration and even though he, and you, had to learn this the hard way— it has turned you and him into a stronger couple, and people.

Everything happens for a reason. Even if it's as shitty as getting your feelings hurt and your trust in others to be damaged, you end up learning so much from a situation. All you can do in the end is learn from the situation and better yourself.

You never want to experience something as painful as that, so, you try to do things differently and view things in a different light. And that's life. You fall and you have to make yourself strong enough to get yourself back up. And in these months, Kenma was there for you. He had been talking to you a lot, has invited you over a bunch of times to play some video games to get your mind off things.

You didn't have to do this alone. You never have to. There are always people who want to be here for you.

You were not alone. You never were.

''Hey, what are you guys doing without me?'' Kuroo yells, shaking his phone in the air, showing off the chat between him and Kenma, ''Kenma just texted me. How long have you guys been here?''

''We had some catching up to do,'' you laughed as you stood up, wrapping your arms around Kuroo's neck and gave him a chaste kiss on his soft lips.

''Is that so,'' Kuroo grinned as he stared into your eyes and you stared into his. It felt like the seconds went by as hours, and you quickly got lost in each others eyes. The beautiful eyes you had found yourself getting lost in so many times showed you so much love it could make anyone melt if they looked at them like that. Heat quickly spread across your cheeks and you could feel your heart thumping rapidly in your chest. Your heart would always beat so fast whenever you saw him, it was like you fell in love over and over again whenever you saw him again. Your feelings had only gotten stronger. You smiled, you felt happy, and so did he before he leaned in and you could feel his hot breath against your lips.

''I love you,'' he whispered.

''Maybe you do.''


A tale of two young people falling in love

Lies always lurk around in the darkness

And it's up to them to defeat them.

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