Chapter one

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Date edited: 5/4/2023

Harry was heading to potion class with Ron and Hermione. They keep on talking about how Harry needed to listen to them and how he was not pulling his weight with training to defeat the dark lord. Harry was not listening to them and was more focused on thinking about his stuffed animals and how much he missed them. 

The next thing he knew, he was being slapped in the face. Harry looked up to see that Hermione was pissed off and Ron was about to hit him again. "You need to listen to us, brat. You can't be daydreaming like a little kid anymore. You need to focus so we can get what we were promised," Ron said, pushing Harry into the classroom. 

Draco looked up to see Harry falling to the ground. He was worried when he saw that Harry was crying and holding his arms. Draco, being a caregiver, was worried about him. He was always drawn to Harry when he was still in school but he was in the seventh year when Harry was in his first. He felt like Harry was hiding something and wished he was in his class for potions so he could figure out what was wrong with Harry. 

 Snape came in with his cloak blowing behind him. Draco smiled and pick up his bag. "Hey, Sev. I want you to watch Harry a little closer today. He got pushed in here by Ron and he seems to hurt because he is crying," Draco said, walking to Severus. 

"Thank you, how was the third year's class," Severus asked, unpacking his bag. 

"They were good. I had one blow up their cauldron because they put the wrong amount of dragon liver into the Doxycide. I fixed the problem and talked about how important it is to make sure we all measure out the right amount of ingredients," Draco said. 

"I will watch Harry. In the past month, he has been more different than the past years. It seems that he is in a younger mindset like a little but I was told he was a beta," Severus said. 

Draco nodded his head and walked out of the room. Severus looked at his second fifth year class. He saw Harry sitting next to Draco's younger brother, Leo. Harry was looking around the room, scared and trying not to suck on his thumb as he had his thumb close to his mouth. Severus know that little were not allow to be in potions class as it was too dangerous for them. If it was true that Harry was a little then Albus has been lying to them since the first years got tested. 

"Today, we were going to brew Befuddlement Draught, since we have gone over why they are needed and what they were used for, you will pair up like normal with your table mates. I will also be walking around and if you need assistance, do let me know. With that, begin," Severus said, looking at everyone in the room. 

 Harry looked at Leo who said that he was going to cut everything up since Harry didn't do a good job at it. All Harry needed to do was to measure and to put it in the cauldron. Harry was worried about this part. He could feel himself slipping more and he knew he was going to get into trouble if he did not do good in a class by the headmaster and his two friends. 

Severus saw Harry start to get into a little headspace. He walked over to him. "Leo I need to talk to Mr Potter outside. Please go get your brother. He needs to watch the class," Severus said taking Harry outside with him. "Harry how old are you right now,"

"Me is two," Harry said and put his thumb in his mouth. 

"Severus why did you have Leo come get me, why is Harry out here?" Draco asked coming down the hall. 

"Harry here has fallen into little space and he is two at the moment. I need you to take him to our room. I know you are off for the rest of the day. Can you cut your study time if your first years short. I can't believe Albus lied to us about Harry," Severus said, picking up Harry and handing him to Draco. 

Severus walked back into his class and told them that Harry got sick and went to the hospital wing. The rest of the class went well. He went back to his and Draco room.

"Dray, how is Harry?" Severus asked, walking into their living room.

"His glamour fell and he looks so sickly and so skinny," Draco said, holding Harry up since he cuddling close to Draco. 

Harry had changed a lot, he was very skinny were you could see every bone in his body, if it was not for his shirt. He was the size of a two-year-old. He had bruised everywhere, some were old and almost healed and others were new. 

He could not believe this was happening to little Harry. He believed Albus when he said that Harry was a beta. He should have known better. Severus went to Draco and looked at Harry better.  He vowed that he would protect Harry and make sure that Harry lived a good life.

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