Chapter ten

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So sorry this has taken me a while to update. I will try to get two chapters in today to make up for it. Also when your are a little you shrink to a size of a seven to five-year-old. But you can still have your real age mind. It would be weird if Harry was normal size doing this in my view. 

Third Person Pov

Severus woke up first and took a shower and got ready to go to Lucius and Narcissa Manor. Then Draco woke up and went to check on Harry. He was semi wake but he was still cuddling to his favorite stuffies which were a doe and a stag. He always wanted his parents close and this was a way for them to be close. 

Draco pick him up and had cuddle time with him before he got him changed into another set of jamies. Harry woke up more but just cuddle with his daddy. After about ten more minutes of cuddling, Draco got Harry dressed and changed. They then went to the kitchen where Severus was making a small breakfast and Harry got his bottle also. 

"Hello, love are you ready to spend our last month with your parents?" Severus asked kissing Draco on the lips and touching Harry's wild hair. 

"I am. I love it here but I miss home and the peacocks and pool at home," Draco said gripping Harry's bottle to give to him. 

"I know you do. I'm ready too. I miss talking to Lucius and joking around with him. Plus I want to see how Harry and he gets along," Severus said kissing Harry's forehead when Harry looked at him and waved at his papa. 

"I do too. I know mama will love him. I just hope the twins treat him well. You know how they get," Draco said grabbing himself a plate and sitting at the table with Harry still in his lap. 

"Ares and Luna are your parent's last children and they are more spoiled but they are only nine," Severus said filling Draco's plate with pancakes and eggs. 

He aslo gave Harry one small pancake and some eggs. They had started giving Harry a littel bit more more solid food but his stomach is still not used to feel  of food. 

They all ate together for the last time in the summer house for a while. Once they were done they clean the dishes and started to get ready to leave. Draco put his cloak on and rapped Harry in his and made sure he had his stuffy and his dummy. 

Draco went in first becaue he know that Harry would freak out if he saw his papa was gone he would freak out more. So he would go first with Harry and then Severus would come. "Ok Har this is going to feel like a tight tube but Im here with you ok," Draco said kissing his forehead. 

Harry nodded his head and then he close his eyes and burred his head into Draco chest. Draco held him closer and then grab the powder and said Malfory Manor. They went up in bright green flames. 

It was a very tight tube that lasted for ten secounds but those ten secounds lasted forever. Once they final landed in the floo room in his parents house. Harry started to cry and freak out. Draco sat in the chair in the room and try to calm Harry down. 

Severus came through and saw this and went over to Draco and went to help Draco with Harry. After ten minutes Harry calm down his Severus arms almost asleep. A lot had happen to him and he just wanted to cuddle now. 

"Go find your parents and  tell them what is going on. I think he will be asleep soon any way," Severus said . 

"Ok, They might be setting up his room anyway," 

"I would not be surpise if they are not," Severus siad kissing Draco on the lips. 

Draco smiled and kissed Harry forehead and then left the room went to go find his parents and his youngest brother and sister. He went to the living room to see if they were in there but only Lucius was reading the Daily Prophet and he had the The Quibbler on his knee getting ready to read. 

"Good morning dad," Draco said walking into the living room. 

"Good morning. I felt the wards shift ten minutes ago but I figure the little guy did not like the floo," Lucius said putting down the paper. 

"He did not like it at all. I think it brought back memebers of his childhood with those muggles. to be honest. 

"Is he better now? Where is Severus and him. I want to see the little guy," Lucius said getting up. 

"They are still in the floo room. Harry is about to go alseep but he does like cudding in his sleep so you can hold him if you want," Draco said walking to the door with his father. "Where is mom and the twins?" 

"They went shoping for Harry. They also help your mom set up the room for him," Lucius said walking into the floo room to see a sleepy Harry still cuddle close to Severus chest. "I see the the little guy is ok being in little space?"

"Yes, he is and he does not like being out of it switch is fine for now. He still as a lot of problems still," Severus said smiling at Lucius. 

"All in good time ok. He will be a healthy hapyy little soon. Now saying he is not happy now," Lucius said walking over to them. 

Harry looked at him and gave a sleepy wave. Lucius smiled and waved back. "His room is ready for him even through, Nassy and the twins are shoping for him too," 

"Thank you and that is not needed. But I know how she is. I think I am going to put him down up there," Severus said walking out of the floo room and heading their floor. 

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