Ch. 5

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Mercedes was so happy to party! Classes had been going strong and she was making good grades but needed to unwind. It was nearly Halloween and her family was having their annual party again (trick-or-treating was way out) so they'd get to see Mike, Marc and Laura.

Maddie was excited because they hadn't really seen much of her since they were all in the winds. She usually only saw Mal when they're both at home (church notwithstanding) so she'd been talking about it nonstop. Plus she wouldn't be too busy for Stevie.

And she just got a cell phone and was completely on the phone calling her siblings all the time, so happy to be twelve. She couldn't wait for next year so she could finally be a teenager like the rest of them.

Mercedes was happy for her. There was nothing like growing up.

Mercedes herself couldn't wait for next year. The teens had finalized their plans for the next year and let their parents in on it. They'd mostly climbed down from the roofs. It helped that Marcy found such a great place to live. Marcus, Michael, Judy and Jeanette were shocked and a lot hurt by their wanting to leave but Marcy told them they were leaving; period.

Her mean self could have said it better but she was right. The kids were ready to leave Lima. They had to get out of there.

Speaking of the devil; she was sick. With anyone else, it wouldn't be a problem but Marcy was sickly. When she got sick, she stayed sick for months. No one was looking forward to sharing a house with her.

Since she was so sick, she packed Mickey off to stay with Mal. One might ask "why just Mickey?" but then they'd have to realize that Marcy got her own son sick.

Yep, poor Mally was sick as a dog with his first cold. He just looked at you so miserable and all he wanted was for someone to hold him and Marcy's mean body wouldn't do it.

She said he was too hot and she was hot enough without his sweaty body on her. So Mercedes held him even though she couldn't afford to get sick. Marcy stayed upstairs with him while Marionette took care of Mickey and Beth downstairs until Quinn and Mal picked them up.

Mercedes had finally stopped resenting Raven and was no longer mad at Puck. She had to work through that.

It helped that she talked to Dr. Jackson about it. He swore up and down that it was normal and that people should do more studies on pre-partum depression.

She didn't even know that was a thing.

He said to talk to the women in her family about it so she opened up to her moms and sisters. Marcy and Quinn reminded her about the conversation they had during the summer about how they took being pregnant.

Her moms blew her away by talking about how they felt when they were pregnant.

Apparently Judy felt really resentful. She loved Russell but that didn't mean she wanted to have his baby. At least before they were married. Her dad wouldn't let her get married without all of her family surrounding her and of course that took time to plan so she had to wait until after Laura was born to get married.

Jeanette said she felt happy to be pregnant; at first. She had tried for two years to get pregnant but nothing happened. Then she got pregnant with Mike. She said she had every pregnancy mishap known to man with him.

She said she was actually mad at him until he was born. Late at that. Then she got pregnant with Mal a mere year later. He gave her heartburn something terrible and she had morning sickness until she went into labor, which took days.

Marcy was so rotten! She asked if she could tell Mike and Mal they were horrible babies. They all laughed but she was serious.

When they visited Rose, Mercedes asked her how her pregnancies went and she told them she had easy pregnancies like Mercedes was going through. They all gave her heartburn and her feet swelled but other than extreme cravings, she was good.

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