Chapter 1: 'Are you okay?'

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Denki's P.O.V

I was up all night working and studying, I wasn't paying attention the whole day at school.

'Hey Bro! You okay?' I heard kirishima ask, I turned around quickly and kept walking backwards 'Yeah, I'm fine. ' I said. 'Bro, watch out! ' Kirishima said as he pointed behind me. I turned around and ran into someone, as I was rubbing my eyes 'Sorry-' I looked up to see a cute boy with purple hair and lilac purple eyes he looked tired. 'Watch it.. ' The boy said as he walked away.

'W-Wait! ' I said, I grabbed his hoodie 'Ugh... What. ' He turned around again looking a bit more tired. 'Um.. What's your name..? ' I yawned 'Shinsou. ' He said in a plain voice, Shinsou.. He's cute. I thought to myself.

'Kamibro! Are you okay? ' Kirishima asked while putting his hand on my shoulder. Are you okay?, Those words kept repeating in my mind, what was this feeling? My heart was racing and I felt hot 'Y-Yeah. ' I stuttered.

All throughout the day all he could think about was- Shinsou, his purple hair, and those lilac eyes we're the hottest thing he'd ever seen.

Nobody's P. O. V

'Oi! Dunce face! ' Denki heard bakugo yell, which startled him a bit 'Yes? 'He said getting his books of his desk. 'What the fuck is wrong with you your always so fucking cheerful and now your just... Whatever! ' Bakugo shouted as he said that denki was reminded about shinsou. He started to daydream about him, 'Oi!........Oi!....OI! DUNCE FACE! ' once bakugo screamed denki snapped out of it. 'Kami? Is something bothering you? ' Mina said stepping closer, 'He's been acting weird since... You bumped into that guy! ' Kirishima said 'Well what happened there? ' He continued.

'Nothing ' Denki stated, I'm gonna go find that shinsou guy again.. Denki thought, 'I'll be back. ' Denki said while walking out leaving the them all there.

'Those Lilac Eyes ' (Shinsou x Denki) SmutWhere stories live. Discover now