Chapter: 'Your funny! '

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           ~Nobody's P. O. V~

           ~At denki's dorm~

'Denki, can I sleep over' Shinso asked  'U-Um.. Sure! ' Denki agreed blushing, 'You okay? Your a bit red. ' Shinsou asked as he chuckled for a minute 'HUH!? ' denki shouted covering his face from Embarrassed. Shinso was a bit weird at times but denki didn't mind denki really liked him after all 'Denki? Are you okay, you seem kinda zoned out. ' Shinso said 'O-Oh yeah! Hey shinso..? ' Denki continued with 'I know this is really fast but.. I really like you. ' they both sat there blushing 'Y'know you are kinda cute.. ' Shinso stated he got closer to denki and held his hand 'Can I? ' shinso asked politely, Denki nodded Shinso held denkis hand a bit tighter as he kissed him softly. A softer moan came out of the kiss from denki, shinso stopped kissing him and looked at him for a minute before saying ' So.. Will you be my boyfriend? ' Denki blushed 'm-mhm! ' He said. Shinso kissed denki again but this time with more passion and love 'My dad would kill me if he knew about this. ' Shinso stated as he smirked lightly, 'Why..? ' Denki asked curiously. 'my dad said no more loud blondes' They both laughed a bit 'Your funny ' Denki laughed, Shinso layed down on his bed and asked 'So what do you want to do? '  denki thought for a moment before answering 'How about we just go to sleep I'm pretty tired anyway' Shinso plainly stated 'Really. Out of anything else. '  'I'm tired!!! ' Denki whined 'Fine. 'Shinso agreed, they both lied down on the bed and fell asleep.

'Those Lilac Eyes ' (Shinsou x Denki) SmutWhere stories live. Discover now