chapter:5 "shh~"

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            ~Denki's P. O. V~

I tried to be more quiet but I couldn't help myself I just wanted him so bad, "Please.. Just.. ~"  I begged quietly "just what?~" Shinso bit his lip "You know what I want!~"
He teased me then he pulled his shirt off and same with mine I looked him up and down blushing shinso chuckled and kissed me while playing with my nipples I moaned into the kiss " Ok.. ~ I'll give you what you want. ~" I moaned in relief as he said that. I took of the rest of my clothes and bit my lip and gave him a lustful look, blush spread across his face Shinso sat at the side off the bed and hit his lap lightly telling me to sit on his lap and so I did, "You know what to do~" Shinso whispered into my ear then licked my ear quickly which made me shiver. I positioned myself on top of him but before u was ready shinso grabbed my hips an pushed me down  onto his member "AH~" I moaned loudly "Shh.. ~" He kissed my neck leaving hickeys "i-im gonna m-move now" I stuttered from pleasure, shinso nodded I bounced up and down becoming a moaning mess "go faster.. ~" Shinso moaned. I went faster "I-Im gonna cum! Ah!! ~" I came at that moment, so did shinso he came inside be which made a shiver go up my spine but made me moan at the same time. I was panting I got off him and layed down shinso layed down next to me then we both fell asleep.

Word count: 281

Btw I have up on this a while ago.

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