Chapter 2: Bakusquad

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I gave in and shook hands with Mina. Oh yeah! She won't zap me (lol)

Now I know who to trust in the squad. Mina, at least she has a nice bubbly personality.
Mr. Aizawa woke up from his nap a few minutes later. He was wondering why they were so many people out of their seats.
He told them all to sit down. Bakugou was using his quirk to try to get Red Head out of his way. Mr Aizawa immediately got rid of them with his quirk. Lucky reddie!

Class was pretty boring so I looked at kaminari to see what he was doing. He was listening to music in class! Since when did he have the nerves to play music in class? I've got to admit it was pretty boring. Kaminari caught me staring at him.
I quickly looked away so that I would look innocent. He tapped on my shoulder and secretly lend me his earphone.
It had a case with pikachu ears on it. So adorable!

I slowly put on the earphone looking at Aizawa to make sure he wasn't looking at me. As it was in my ear, it was silent. I thought kaminari was playing music. Then played a music that flowed to my ears. It was full volume...

Sweet little bumble bee, I know what you want from me~
Do do do do do da da x2~

I quickly took them off. "Kaminari that hurt my ears!" I shouted at the yellow haired boy.
"Sorry Y/N, I usually have it on full volume." He apologised as he rubbed his neck.
Then we faced the front of the class and they were all looking at the both of us in confusion.

Aizawa got up from his chair sleepily and pointed to the doorway, "go to the principals office, both of you. Kaminari, you're going to show Y/N where it is.

Detention on the first day!? Now people are gonna think that I'm a bad person :<
Kaminari walked with me to the principals office. I could see him looking embarrassed. And plus, it was his fault for getting me into trouble.
"Hey Y/N I'm sorry for getting you into trouble. I saw you looking bored in class and felt guilty to see you like that..."
"Kaminari why were you listening to music on full volume anyway? Do you have grandpa ears or something?" I cut him off angrily. We both stayed silent for a bit. We went into the principals room to see principal Nezu sipping on his coffee. He asked us why we were there and let us both sit on two chairs next to each other.

I still cannot trust Kaminari...I need to be careful when I'm around him in the group. Principal Nezu left the office to get another cup of coffee. The room was silent. A pin rolled off principal Nezu's desk. It was so silent to ear the metal of the pin drop on the hard floor.
"So quiet and peaceful!"
I guess detention isn't so bad at all. Kaminari was still looking down on his shoes. Maybe it was what I said earlier when I yelled at him.

I touched his shoulder as I could feel him flinch in fright.
"Did I really scare him that bad?!"
"Kaminari I'm..."
"No I'm sorry." Kaminari apologised again cutting me off. "I knew I should have just left you alone to listen to the teacher. We wouldn't be here in the first place if it weren't for me." I could hear Kaminari's voice sound a bit shaky, is he crying!?
He really thinks I hate him. I mean, he was trying to flirt with me. I might be really interesting to him, hearing that from someone he likes is pretty hurtful not gonna lie.

I rubbed his back and gave him a hug. "Sorry for yelling at you." I apologised. He sniffled as he hugged me back.
Principal Nezu has been gone for a while. How long does it take to get coffee?

Kaminari and I have been in detention for the rest of the school hours. I could see our class doing fun things with their quirk outside. I also find myself doing no good when I accepted Kaminari's offer for the earphones. Kaminari asked me if we could go out after school since he couldn't get the chance to ask after Mina hit him.

1 hour later when the 2nd break of the day was here. I could hear people running in the hallways for lunch.
"That's a lot of students in U.A!"

How is Nezu not here yet?
10 minutes later, Nezu came in with a big jar of coffee. It looked like 10 cups of coffee! "Ah! Sorry to keep you two waiting, but I was in a very long line waiting for my coffee. I guess it also took a while to fill it up too" said principal Nezu.
Kaminari and I made a "what in the world" face.

Principal Nezu let us out to have our 2nd break but we were 10 minutes late for it. We sat on the table with the baku-squad.
Their faces looked happy to see us out of detention. I mean, we need food right? As I was having some of my food, I wasn't quick enough to notice that Kaminari took a bit of it. He quickly chomped it in happiness. I pouted because he took my favourite part of my lunch. Then I took a part of his Calamari (lol they rhyme kaminari/calamari)
I happily chomped it.

It then became a war around the whole table. Everyone stole food from eachother. Kaminari was just taking mine. Did he really like what I was eating? I accidentally took some of Bakugou's chilli. My head grew hot and red. I spat it out and coughed.
It ruined the whole mood. I quickly gulped on my water. "Bakugou how can you eat that terrible thing?!" I yelled at Bakugou. Oops I wasn't suppose to yell at him. Everyone knows what happens if you do.

Number one student? Doesn't look like one LOL

Kaminari barged in to stand up for me. He looked as pissed as Bakugou. "Bakugou, watch your mouth. Also, since when were you the number one student?" Kaminari blurted.
The bell rang for the last period of school. How exciting to not have Bakugou shout at you anymore!

The whole school stampede across the hallways to their next class.

"Hey y/n? Kaminari was walking beside me down the hall.

"What's up, kaminari?" I looked at him.

"How did you resist my zap just then?"

Damn, to even think a guy like him can remember after blacking out from 1.2 million bolts. "I don't know, I just found out that I didn't feel anything. Are you sure it was 1.2 million bolts?"

"I'm pretty sure it was, cause I wanted to see your reaction." Kaminari innocently smiled.

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