Posioned Cure

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Sabre's point of view
Galaxy came upstairs after a bit and looked both flustered and angry. I was forced to lay back down by Time. So I was laying back down on the bed.

"Where is Alex?" Illusion teased. Galaxy glared at him.

"She's with Lucas feeding Fake Lucas the Third." I laugh a little. We had a fake lucas in the rainbow town.

"They said you should take this though." Galaxy throws me a bottle and I barely caught it.

"So did you to kiss?"

"No!" Galaxy yelled at Illusion who laughed. Time looks at me while I look at the bottle. Pufferfish poison. The possible cure of the sickness.

Galaxy and Illusion continued to talk about Galaxy's relationship with Alex. I drowned it out. It didn't matter to much right now. What I was holding was.

If I take this I could be cured, but I could also feel a lot worse. It did help earlier, but we aren't sure if it's a real cure. If I don't take it... well code will continue to slowly get destroyed and might die for real this time.

Time put a hand on my shoulder and I flinched a little in surprise. I looked up at him.

"It will be okay Sabre. We will help you even if this doesn't work." Time said calmly. Sometimes I wished I could see his smile. I wonder if it's as warm and as kind as I imagine- I shake my head.


"It's nothing. Just thought of something I shouldn't think about..." I open the bottle a little nervous to drink this. Time sits at the edge of the bed.

I drink the poison in the bottle.

It stung in my mouth and I almost spitted it out. I swallowed and immediately felt the pufferfish poison effects. The spinning vision and the sick feeling.

I laid against the wall and Time hugs me gently. I hug him back slowly. This time the effects took a little bit longer for them to go away.

When they did I felt normal. I didn't feel sick anymore. I felt okay.... really okay.

"You already drank it?!" Galaxy says confused and a little panicked.

"Yes he did. Are you okay?" Time asked me.

"Yeah.... I feel great." I said smiling. Time hugs me tighter.

"So it worked?!" Illusion asked surprised.

"Yeah I think so..." I suddenly felt Time put his arms around my waist and picks me up.

"This is great!" I couldn't really move from the shock. Illusion and Galaxy snickered.

"Time.. can you... put me down?...." I asked nervously. Time realized what he was doing and puts me down.

"I um... sorry..." Time looks away from me and I look down. I didn't fell weak while standing. That's good, but their is only one way to tell if it's really gone. I need to check my code.

"I should tell Lucas and Alex." I say hoping for a way to get out of the house.

"I'll come with you-" Time was cut off by Illusion.

"No your staying so we and prove something." I take that chance to go downstairs. I see Alex and Lucas who were talking. Lucas was the first to notice me.

"Sabre! Shouldn't you be laying down?"

"Nope, the cure worked!" I said probably.

"That's great!"

"Yeah great... but why did you have to tell Galaxy that I like him?!"

"Because he likes you." I say while Alex blushes. Lucas laughs.

"I need to um.... clean my clothes is there a river nearby?"

"Yeah not to Far East from here. Just come back soon." Lucas tells me. He knows that I am okay. He knows that well.

"Thanks be back soon." Lucas says to me as I leave the house. I was relived to be alone again. I'm surprised they let me go so easily too.

I went to the river that Lucas told me. The river was deep but the water wasn't moving very fast. I take off my hoodie that needed a good clean and started to use the water to clean it.

The water was cold on my hands it felt good. After feeling warm for so long it's nice. I know I should go back soon, but I really don't want to.

I take off my shoes and socks putting them to the side and let my legs dip into the water. I continue to wash off my hoodie until it was clean then put it next to my shoes.

I look at my reflection through the water. My hair was a mess and I was some dirt of my face.  Maybe I should get cleaned too.

I jump into the river feeling the shock of the cold water run through my body for a few seconds. I went back up to the surface.

The water was high enough where my head would be just slightly above water. I really wasn't bothered by by my shirt or pants that I was wearing. I have fallen in water with all of my clothes on before.

I started to clean my hair and face off and even take off my blindfold, just so I can see my code. When I looked at my eyes I saw that...

"What happened to my code...." Most of my code was broken and some of it was gone. Was the sickness that close to destroying me? I didn't feel any traces of the sickness on my which is good.

"Sabre! Sabre where are you!" Time Steve? I quickly put my blindfold back on and turn to his voice. Why was he looking for me? Was I gone for that long or was he just worried?

I was still deep in the water and my head was just barely above water. I saw Time who just came out behind and tree and saw me.

"Hey Time." I said smiling. Time looks at me directly the. Stiffens up? Is he okay?

Time's point of view (just to make this easier)
"Hey Time." Sabre said to me and I stiffen up. He was in the river and I couldn't see below his neck. I could see his hoodie and shoes on the riverbed.

Is he naked?!  And just causally just saying hi?!

I felt my face turn a bright red. I wanted to make sure he was okay, I didn't expect this. What am I suppose to do?! Why is he so calm about this and I'm panicked?!

"Time? Are you okay?" Sabre asked confused. He moves closer to me and I looked down and away from here.

"I.. Um... Sabre.... Do you need me too.... turn around or go back to the house?...." I asked nervously. I heard him get out of the water, but I didn't see him.

"Time? What's wrong? You can stay." I felt Sabre put a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh shouldn't you change back in some clothes?" I asks even more panicked. He is right behind and is-

"Time I'm already wearing clothes. I never room them off?" I wish I could slam my head against a wall right now. I looked at Sabre and yup he was still wearing his shirt and pants.

"What did you think I was naked or something?"

"No! Of course not...." I mumbled at the end. Sabre shrugs his shoulders and gets his hoodie and shoes back on.

"So why were you looking for me?" He asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. You were up on your feet so quickly I just got worried."

"Oh don't worry about it. Everyone else was like that once the sickness was gone from them." I sighed with relief. At least I don't have to worry about that.

"Okay... we should head back now and think about what we should do next." I say trying to shake off about what I thought Sabre was moments before.

Sabre simply nods and walks ahead. After a few seconds I follow. The next step is to make sure Plague Steve won't hurt anyone else again.
(Words 1348)

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