Chapter 1 ( Found)

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Hi I'm Izuku Midoriya and I am going to tell you the story of how I became known as experiment 99.

Pant pant pant Izuku had finally made it out of that hell hole of a place and ran. He ran from the place he had spent the past 2 years of his life. He had been captured by the LOV trying to jump off the roof of Aldera Middle School. He was known as experiment 99, there.
They experimented and tested so many things on him, to the point where he didn't look human anymore. He had long brown horns sticking out from his head, demon wings, and sharp claws.

The LOV had some sort of party once and decided it would be fun to carve the satanic star on his chest

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The LOV had some sort of party once and decided it would be fun to carve the satanic star on his chest. He also has a scratch scar on his right eye making that one blind and other scars all over his body.
The eye that wasn't blinded was like a beasts, dilated pupils. They even sometimes beat him and abused him just for fun.
The last thing they did to him before he left was the worst though, one of them raped him and probably got him pregnant! But finally, he was free.
He ran into the street and there were tons of people in the streets when suddenly a woman looked at him and screamed in horror sensing other scream all across the crowd as they scattered to get away from the poor pregnant beast.
He just crouched on the floor and started to hole his stomach as someone yelled " CALL THE PRO HEROS, NOW!!" In terror.
Deku sat in a corner holding his stomach and sobbing, "I really am just a monster, that's all I'll ever be."
Suddenly he passed out, out of exhaustion, the last thing he heard was " DON'T SHOOT HIM ITS JUST A BOY!"

I was just about to take my daily nap when I suddenly got a phone call.
I slowly got up, and answered it " Hello?" " SOMEONE PLEASE SEND THE PROS DOWN HERE!!"
Wait why did he sound so urgent, was it the LOV!?! I thought nervously.
" Why?" I asked
IT LOOKS HALF HUMAN!!" He screamed " WHAT?! I said surprised.
AFO had already been taken down how could there be more?!
" Arlight sir, help us on the way, for now stay calm and find somewhere to hide, advise others to do the same!"
He swiftly said thank you and hung up the phone. I stood up
running out of the class leaving my students confused but I had to tell nezu and quick! Once I told nezu he got all the teachers to come with me. Using our quirks we all made
it to Camino Ward in a matter of minutes. When we got there we saw police surrounding the creature crouched down on the floor. What?,
I thought, that is an incredibly small nomu! Then I saw nezu look closer and gasp. " WHAT?!" Asked midnight
Nezu relied in shock, " That's no Nomu, THATS A BOY!!!"
He shouted As soon as I heard this I got also here the police men cocking their guns ready to shoot, the boy.
"DON'T SHOOT HIM, HES JUST A BOY!!" Present mike, yelled down so that the cops would stop.
They all backed up as we got to the scene. Nezu and the rest of the pro hero's were helping the frightened citizens and telling the police that we got this.
I slowly approached the boy. No, wonder they thought he was a Nomu, I thought.
He was covered in scratched and scars and was bleeding.
He had wings, horns and claws, too. I slowly bent down to his level and saw that he was passed out from exhaustion.
So I slowly picked him up and brought him back to the ambulance.
The other pros turned head and sprinted towards me curious at what I had. They saw the boy and had shocked faces. " what's with his chest?" Pres Mike asked " I
looked down and saw that there was a satanic star carted into his chest. "I don't know but we need to get him to the hospital. " Almighty do you think you can get him to the hospital?" I asked " Yes, hand him to me erasure." He nodded and swiftly got him the hospital.
I carried the boy to the hospital but, I couldn't help but feel like I new him from somewhere. I brushed the thought out of my mind and focused on getting him to the hospital. Once we got there I yelled " THIS BOY NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY!!" All the doctors turned head and got a stretcher taking the boy away.
Ugh.... I groaned, feeling my pounding head. I suddenly realized I was somewhere else and started panicking until a doctor came inside. " Hello Izuku, I am your doctor!" He said cheerfully. "Doctor? So am I at the hospital!" I asked wearily." " yessir!" He said. " the pros found you outside and alley passed out and they took you here. I could only manage a small " ok." He then told me he was going to tell me my test results form the genetic and mental testing they did on my body. " So, Izuku, you have been altered greatly, and your body has endured some extreme abuse. You have PTSD and MPD ( Multiple personality disorder). Also, we got back a positive on a pregnancy test." That's when my heart stopped, " WAIT, PREGANT, BUT IM MALE?!!" " yes and no, we also found out you are gender Bi. Meaning you are both male and female." I didn't know how I was supposed to process this info. " so you have the appearances and genitals as a man, but you have a womb and the ability to get pregnant like a woman." " Other then that you are all good, but some people have come in to wake you some questions before you go."


The Demon I've Become (Experimented Deku AU) Mpreg.Where stories live. Discover now