Chapter 4 ( The Transformation)

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After we hugged and talked, I fell asleep on the couch. I then woke up to someone next to me, I thought it was Uraraka. But, when I turned around I saw the bi colored hair of, TODOROKI?!!!
I was so surprised I tried to get up to go out into the common room when I cramped up and couldn't help but, yell in pain "AAHHGG!!" Todoroki's head shot up and ran over to me on the bathroom floor. It was so painful I started crying. "Midoriya, are you okay?!"
He asked carrying me to the bad and sitting me down. I just sobbed in pain. "I-I'm s-sorry." I managed to get out. As the pain started to subside.
"I'm sorry todo-kun, I've been having cramps because of the pup." I said feeling embarrassed. He looked down and blushed to see my shirtless body.
I chuckled a bit and I hugged him, "Thank you, Shoto." He hugged me back. I felt something strange when he hugged me, like I wanted to be dominated and protected by him, did I like him? I thought "Come on, you guys are probably hungry." He gestured to my belly. I blushed hard "Y-yeah." We slowly got up and walked out. Everyone turned head to us, when Mina gave a devilish smile. I just blushed and started waving my hands. "NO NON NONOON NO!!!" I shouted. "Yeah, he just fell asleep on the couch and no won else was awake so I put him in my room."
He said blushing too. Bakugo walked into the room suddenly towards me and then stopped and blushed. I don't even know why, did he think I-i was h-h-ot? "W-what?!" I said suddenly angered. "You, gonna call me fat again?!" He just looked at me still blushing. At the time I was shirtless my belly showing a bit, and all of my scars were showing.

He quickly walked up to me ready to yell, when Sensei walked in and said "Let's go, battle training in 2 min

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He quickly walked up to me ready to yell, when Sensei walked in and said "Let's go, battle training in 2 min." Then walked out. "I'm gonna beat your ass today, you damn deku."
He snarled. "Don't listen to him Midobro, he just an angry boom boom." I snickered. "I HEARD THAT SHITTY HAIR!!" He shouted. We all snickered, and then we got dressed. I still felt that lingering feeling from todoroki. I was walking with uraraka, when thinking about him made me blush. She pulled me to the back and said " Ooooh, what are you blushing about? She teased "Come on tell me!!"
She pleaded. I just looked down, twiddling my fingers.
"T-t-todoroki." I said blushing. "GASP,  knew it Deku!!!" "He's just so sweet, and gentle. I feel like I want to be protected by him and have him wrap me up in a hug."
"He's your alpha!!" She whispered. But before I could respond Sensei said "Alright!! I will be partnering you up in groups of 2 to do some battle training. Here are the pairs.       
Tenya vs Uraraka, Shoji vs Tokoyami, Kirishima vs Kaminari, Sero vs Mina, Momo vs Todoroki, Mineta vs. Hakagure, and Bakugo vs. Midoriya. I just looked, frightened at Bakugo who was smiling devishly and making tiny explosions come out of his hands.
  The matches went by, pretty quick I was happy when shoto won his match. But then, mine came. When I walked onto the field I felt everyone's stares burn into me like flames. Then the whistle blew and bakugo came at me full speed, luckily I flew upwards quickly to avoid his explosions.
He screamed in anger. I flew to the other side trying to get away, and not wanting to fight him. No, one knew what I could do, and no one , not even ochaco, that I could shapeshift. "Look bakugo, I don't want to hurt you!" I said dodging the attack once again.
"Or what?!! What are you gonna do, quirkless wannabe." "Alright, you asked for it." He looked angry and started charging at me, I flew up and transformed into my favorite form, a dragon. I landed with a thump in front of Bakugo. Everyone gasped. Bakugo stumbled back in shock, "WHAT THE HELL?!"
He said. I was a stunning emerald green dragon with green blazing eyes. "Your not scared are you Bakuhoe!?" "KIck his ass Deku-kun!!" Yelled uraraka.

I stalked towards him, I liked seeing him suffer and be scared of me

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I stalked towards him, I liked seeing him suffer and be scared of me. I wanted him to feel the same pain I did when I was bullied. "I ain't scared of you, useless deku." I got mad anger roared breathing fire. He then ran back and started flying towards me in a spiraling cyclone. I just stood there knowing what was going to happen. He was going to howitzer me. "HOWITZER- he started to yell "BAKUGO NO!!!" Aizawa yelled -IMPACT!!!!"  When the smoke cleared I was the only one still standing. The whole class looked at me in utter shock. Bakugo just lifted his head from the ground and his eyes widened. There wasn't a single scratch on me. "What the hell?! He said, That was my fucking final move!!!!" He exclaimed. He then tried to get up and explode some more but, it did nothing. I swiftly took him down, him squirming under my claws. "My scales are fire proof dumbass!" I hissed loud enough so everyone could hear. Suddenly kirishima, Uraraka, and shoto were cheering for me.""Midobro, your so manly!!" I then let bakugo up and transformed back. "Midoriya successfully immobilized Bakugo, He is the winner!!" I smiled as the whole class cheered for me. Bakugo just scowled as he stalked off back to the dorms. We all walked back to the dorms and had a great rest of the night, when suddenly I felt really hot. I soon realized, I'm in HEAT!!!

The Demon I've Become (Experimented Deku AU) Mpreg.Where stories live. Discover now