💙{gramon} i can't look at your skin

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That night, the only audible sound was the beating of his heart inside of his chest.

Graham couldn't fall asleep.

It was as if every thought he'd ever had in his life had suddenly come back to prevent him with all their might from falling asleep. the room was so quiet but his brain was so loud.

He covered his eyes with his hands in frustration.

Why couldn't he stop thinking about him?

It was strange how everything had seemed to happen so fast. the cameras were in his face, he'd been drinking, Damon was there...he asked him for a kiss...for some reason...and he got one.

The scene played over in his mind on repeat like a broken record.

Damon kissed him.

He hated thinking about it. he hated the fact that it was so late and instead of sleeping he was up thinking about his best friend kissing him...and the fact that he almost sort of liked it.

No, he scolded himself. i'm not gay. especially not for Damon.

Was he just telling himself that?

No, it had to be true. it had to be. if he developed feelings for Damon, it would most certainly ruin their friendship. he'd just be setting himself up for disaster. Damon could have any girl in the world. why on earth would he want to be with him?

He shook his head. he had to realize that sooner or later.

He closed his eyes, running a hand through his hair tensely. Slowly, he began to drift off into a light sleep, the only place his anxiety couldn't follow him.

Until the next day, that is.


Graham awoke to the phone ringing, a sound that he didn't always like hearing, especially this early in the morning.

Nevertheless, he let out one final tired groan then extended his hand to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" he grumbled.

"Where in the hell are you??" an annoyed voice replied.

Sigh. It was just Alex. Why had Graham almost hoped it would be Damon?

"I'm gonna be late comin' in for practice," Graham grumbled again. He wasn't in the mood for anything just yet.

For a brief moment, he could hear someone talking in the background on Alex's end. "What's that?" Alex answered the voice talking. "Yeah, it's Graham. the git's overslept again."

He huffed, more than ready to hang up. "Oh, come off it. I'll be right over." With that, he hung up and began to get ready. As he dressed, he wondered who the voice had belonged to in the background. He silently hoped that it wasn't Damon, or Damon didn't hear Alex say it, because it really would make Graham a little embarrassed.

But oh well.

In around 10 minutes, he'd already gotten ready and driven over to Damon's house, where the rest of the band was practicing for their show that following night.

He tried not to draw too much attention to himself as he came through the door with his guitar. However, that didn't go quite as planned.

"Look who decided to drop in!" Dave joked.

"He's fashionably late," Alex rolled his eyes as he tuned his bass.

"Oh, leave him alone, at least he showed up!" The fourth member to which the house belonged to finally entered the room, immediately meeting Graham's gaze with a light smile. "I am glad you came, Graham."

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