💙{dalex} drive ❌NSFW❌

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A/N: WARNING this one is nsfw and also a bit longer than normal so feel free to skip if you don't want to read <3

inspired by "drive" by the cars, i recommend listening to it if you haven't >:]


You can't go on
Thinking nothing's wrong
Who's gonna drive you home tonight?

The radio sang in a low voice, filling the void of the otherwise dead silence that lingered in the car. The wheels rolling on the wet, rainy road provided white noise to accompany the radio, as street lights they passed created brief stripes of light that left as soon as they had come in a pattern of appearing and disappearing.

Every now and then Damon looked up at the mirror to check on Alex. It was dark and hard to see, but he was quiet, with his elbow placed by the car window, his head leaning on it like a pillow. That had to mean he was asleep. When they had left the party about 30 minutes ago it was obvious to Damon that Alex was planning to get off his face; he always got at least a little bit crazy at those release parties they had whenever a new song of theirs came out. He had to get him out of there before that happened, they had a gig tomorrow, and Damon figured it wouldn't look too good for their image if their bass player had to miss two gigs due to being hungover. It was a good thing Damon was sober; well, mostly, at least; he knew he'd probably be the best person to drive him home, seeing as every other option the boy had for a ride would probably end up worse than he usually was by the end of the night.

He didn't mind driving him. It's what friends are for.

He figured he should check on him anyway. "You dead?"

He heard a huff in reply. He smirked to himself as he continued driving.

"I 'adn't even 'ad that much." Alex groaned. "It was just starting to get fun, too, you should've seen Graham, before we left he was about to do shots for every vowel in the alphabet."

"That's just a normal night for him." Damon shrugged. "It's my band, y'know, it's as much my job as it is yours to keep a good image."

"I thought that's what people liked about us," Alex replied. "That we're all drunk arseholes."

Damon couldn't help but laugh a little. "They like the idea of it, anyway, not the actuality."

Alex sat up, crossing his arms. Another stripe of street-light passed by, very briefly illuminating the man's face. "Whatever, dad." This last remark exuded sarcasm, but Damon wasn't bothered.

The car slowed to heed the red glow of a glowing red stoplight up ahead. Damon turned to face his friend, giving him a grin. "Ah, you know you love me."

The one eye that wasn't covered by the man's fringe looked back at him in silence. Although he could've sworn that he saw a small smirk on his face revealed by a green glow. That signaled to Damon that it was time to turn back around.

The car had barely gotten moving again when Alex spoke. "Oi, pull over."


"Stop the car."

It was more like a demand than a request, though Alex's voice was perfectly calm-sounding like always. Confused, but still complying anyway for reasons that currently evaded him, Damon pulled the car over to the side of the empty road, under a lone street lamp, once again slowing to a stop. Good thing it was obscenely late at night and there weren't any other cars on the road to disturb. The only company they had on their trip were a mob of trees on each side of them and a pitch black sky, sprinkled with a few stars and a dimly lit moon. Not much for scenery. But it would have to do for now until he figured out what the hell Alex wanted all of a sudden.

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