💙{dalex} tea and melancholy

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A/N: this is based off an actual story from alex's book i'm crying i love them so much don't hmu xx also am i in love with the idea of tge era dalex? the answer is yes 💔💔💔💔


The comforting glow of the mid-morning sun poured in through the fair-sized and very square lone window of Alex's bedroom, illuminating the square of cream colored carpet that rested under it. The sky wasn't quite blue just yet, more resembling a soft gray speckled with clouds. The tree right outside made a point in counting itself present, leaves rustling in unison against the glass. Faint sounds of birds and faraway traffic could be heard; the perfect indicator of the start of a day anew. The rest of the world was beginning to wake up now. However, Alex wasn't planning to.

Until there was a swift and hard single knock upon the glass of his window.

He opened one eye, narrowing it in annoyance.

Two more knocks were delivered onto the glass, one after the other. He groaned audibly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Looking up at the window, he saw the culprit of the sound. A stone a little smaller than a fist struck the window, immediately falling back down to the ground after impact. Immediately rising to his feet, he rushed over, ready to have a few choice words with whoever the hell was throwing rocks at his place of residence.

He raised the window up from the bottom, opening it, allowing the morning air to brush against his cheeks. "Are you fuckin' cra-"

His shouting was halted by what – or rather who – he saw at the bottom. A shorter fellow, donning a not-very-warm-looking brown coat over a light gray t-shirt. His mop of golden hair was gently blown to the side by the breeze as he gazed up to look Alex in the eye. A devilish grin spread across his face. "There you are! I thought I was gonna have to use the doorbell."

Alex sighed, a significant amount of annoyance waning at the sight of his boyfriend. "Damon, you just about gave me a fuckin' heart attack."

He heard him laugh; it was a wonderful sound; as the offending rocks rested on the grass by his side. "You're welcome. I'm comin' up, okay?"

"Right then."

Alex stepped away from the window, leaving it open for now. As he waited, he couldn't help but wonder to himself why exactly Damon was here. Maybe he couldn't sleep? No, he'd be way too exhausted to drag himself all the way up there from where he lived. Did he just miss him and want to see him? Aw, sweet thought, but there had to be more to it than that, he concluded.

Maybe he just needed to talk to him. It must be important, he thought, if he had to get the rocks for it.

A few taps sounded on the glass, causing him to turn back around. Damon was carefully standing on a sturdy-looking branch of the tree right outside to where he was face-to-face with the window. "Oi, can you open it a little more?"

"Christ, Damon!" Alex exclaimed, rushing over to raise the glass further upwards and helping Damon inside. His feet landed safely on the carpeted floor with a thud, allowing him to dust off his faded jeans with a sigh.

"Didn't you think of using, I dunno, the door?"

"Boring," Damon reasoned. "My way's faster, anyways, I'm not goin' up 3 flights of stairs this early in the morning just to get to your flat."

Alex shook his head, sitting on the edge of his bed, taking the opportunity to light a cig now that the window was open. "So what are you doing here?

The blonde took the spot on the right right next to him, leaning to the side to let his head rest on Alex's shoulder. "I'm having a bad time. Haven't slept in 16 hours. Kind of feeling like utter crap." He buried his face into the sleeve of Alex's sweatshirt. "And I missed you," he muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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